For as long as we can remember, there has always been discrimination in our society.
Even though society has evolved and changed through the ages, discrimination always remained. It seems that now more than ever, our world is raging with which lives matter or that certain races are being targeted by police. The sad and unfortunate truth is that discrimination will always be a part of our lives.
There will always be people who are racist. There will always be people who take this fact too hard. There will always be a white person that kills a black person and vice versa. What matters most is that all lives matter. Black, white, blue, purple, every life counts.
Taking a life is a haunting experience. The action leaves people with nightmares and a lifetime of strong emotions regarding the situation. No police officer enjoys taking a life.
Do some police officers step out of line? Yes.
Do some police officers act accordingly to the situation? Yes.
There will always be mistakes made. If the unfortunate cost is a life, then that is the unfortunate truth that we have to accept. Not everyone stays in our lives forever. The sad truth is that innocent lives are taken every day and no one can save every person.
The plain and simple truth is that we all need to stop whining and accept the rights we have. All races will never be treated equally by every person. As long as by law all races and genders have equal rights, that is as much as we can ask for. We cannot ask to change the thought processes and beliefs of every person in this world. It just will not happen.
We cannot keep attacking police officers every time an African American life is taken. If the police officer acted accordingly, then there is nothing to argue about. If the police officer did not act accordingly, the department takes action and solves the issue.
Starting riots and protests about lives lost does not change the fact that a life was taken and does not change the fact that more lives will be taken. We cannot continue overreacting every time an African American life is taken. Not every action is based on what skin color the other person has.
The police are on our side. They made a commitment to keep their communities safe. They undergo rigorous training and tests before receiving a badge. Becoming a police officer is not a simple task and requires dedication. They are not against us.Are there racist police officers? Probably.
Racist people are everywhere, there is no way to avoid them and changing their beliefs is an improbable task. The only way to reach equality is through law. Racism exists and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Equality has drastically improved and we should be satisfied with our efforts. The overreacting needs to end and the constant fighting needs to end. It all leads to a dead end with no hope of improvement.