Every Kid Should Grow Up With A Dog | The Odyssey Online
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Every Kid Should Grow Up With A Dog

The memories and joy a little four-legged creature can bring are endless.

Every Kid Should Grow Up With A Dog
Kayla O'Kresik

Probably the cutest combination ever is a baby and a dog. Instant cuteness right there. Whether they're cuddling or playing, a tiny person and a giant ball of fluff will instantly put a smile on your face. But what is it that makes these videos and pictures of a dog and their tiny human owner so darn cute? Well, for many of us, myself included, it reminds us of our childhood.

When I was born, my parents had a two-year-old Golden Retriever named Avery. Let me tell you, he was huge, like alpha male, biggest one in the litter, huge. Put him beside a tini-tiny newborn like I once was and he basically was a horse. Anyways, Avery was my big brother. We were inseperable. Anywhere he was I wanted to be right there with him. He would watch over me, cuddle with me, and once I could stand and walk he would be right there for me to hold onto. Yeah, I give Avery credit for teaching me how to stand and walk. I'm pretty sure my dad does, too. Never once did Avery hurt me, or even think about hurting me. He was a gentle giant.

Without Avery in my life, my childhood would not have been anywhere near as great as it was. I remember always running out to the kennel to give Avery a treat (he got kicked out of the house once my sister was born) or just to play with him. He would always get so excited to see one of us run out to him, his tail instantly wagging from side to side. Avery's favorite little treats were vanilla icrecream cones and pig ears (he would only get these so often, so each time was a big deal). It always made me so happy to be the one to give him these treats, to make him the happiest dog in the world. Once I got a little bigger, I would grab his front paws and set them on my shoulders like we were hugging. I remember doing that even when he was an old man at thirteen years. Avery was so much more than a pet; he was family.

I so strongly believe that every kid should get to grow up with a dog beside them. Dogs teach kids how to be gentle, kind, have fun, and to love. It makes me sad when I hear that someone who is now in their twenties never had a dog or any animal to love and be around while growing up. Having a dog throughout my childhood had such an impact on me and who I have become that I can't imagine ever going through life without having one. That's why my future children will grow up with a dog right there beside them every step of the way. So, if you don't have a dog but you have a kid, go to your nearest shelter and adopt one. I promise your family's life will be filled with so much more happiness and so will the dog's.

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