Why Every High School Senior Should Have Virginia Tech at the Top of Their List
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Why Every High School Senior Should Have Virginia Tech at the Top of Their List

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Why Every High School Senior Should Have Virginia Tech at the Top of Their List

As freshman in high school, we watched as the seniors committed to the schools of their dreams and as others entered into the work force or pursued other dreams. As we watched, we wondered where our high school journey would take us and what path we would take when it was finally our time to decide what we were going to do for the next four or so years of our lives. As I watched my sister begin her junior year at Virginia TechI began to wonder if maybe I would be a Hokie too. At first, I was a little skeptical of going to the same school as my sister and basically everyone else in my family. But, Virginia Tech and Blacksburg worked its mysterious magic on me and I too became a Hokie. And as every Hokie will say “it was the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Here’s why every high school senior should have Virginia Tech as their top school:

The prestigious academic programs:

Although Virginia Tech is world known for it’s Engineering, Vet Medicine and science programs, whatever you major in at Virginia Tech you can expect a top notch education from professors who truly are the best in their field. You’ll feel proud submitting a job resume that says “Undergraduate degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.”

Breathtaking campus:

A lot of people I’ve talked to have said this was the factor that won them over. Once you visit Virginia Tech (especially in the fall) you’ll never want to leave. The buildings made from the original Hokie stone and the medieval age looking architecture look like something out of a story book and still awe every Hokie with it’s beauty no matter how old.

Hokie Respect:

A policy I have found that follows Hokies on and off the playing field is Hokie respect. Whether it’s always holding a door for a fellow Hokie (or non Hokie), swiping for someone’s meal in Owens food court, or paying for someone’s parking ticket/meter, these are only a few examples of the kindness that every Hokie displays on a day to day basis. There’s never a day where you feel un-welcomed on the Virginia Tech campus.

The traditions:

From the Hokie Pokie, to jumping in Lane Stadium, to Ring Dance, to the Corps of Cadets marching into every football game, Virginia Tech is full of so many rich and wonderful traditions. But I’ll let you figure out the rest of them!

The amazing food:

So, I’m sure you’ve heard already but Virginia Tech food is out of this world. You might even find yourself coming home on breaks being a little snobby about mom’s home-cooked food because it really is just that good. You’ll go from getting excited when your parents make steak for dinner to internally debating whether you’re in the mood for lobster from West End or Hibachi from Turner then think to yourself “Dang I have it good here.”

The Hokie Bird:

Personally one of my favorite things about Virginia Tech. Who knew a plush maroon and orange turkey could get one 18-22 year old so excited? The best thing about the Hokie Bird is his random appearances on campus. You could run into him in the llibrary, on the drill field, eating in Turner, or my personal favorite was the time he ran through my 500 person lecture class to brighten everyone’s dreary Monday morning. And he is always willing to stop for a picture!

The campus/community involvement:

Whatever you decide to do here at Virginia Tech, I promise you won’t be at a loss for options. There are so many organizations and clubs to get involved in. Just a few to choose from are club sports, Greek life, Relay for Life (largest collegiate one btw), Venture Out, Marching Virginians, co-ed business fraternities, groups for engineers, dance teams, acapella groups, Quidditch teams, ultimate Frisbee, basket weaving clubs, whatever your heart desires Virginia Tech can give to you!

So, whether you know that Virginia Tech is the school for you or if you’re still on the fence here are a couple reasons why I love Virginia Tech and the things I hope all incoming freshman grow to love too. This is home!

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