Have you ever thought back to a time where everything seemed to be perfect? A time where you were constantly smiling and happy and you thought that nothing could ruin that moment? A time where you thought no one, not even your worst enemy, could ruin that. Remember that time? Have you ever had a time where all of that just fell apart? The thing that you thought was so perfect, the thing that nothing or no one could ruin? Most of you can probably think back to that time. You can remember what day it was, the time, what you were wearing. All of a sudden that perfect thing was gone.
So often we get on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter and we see this quote that everyone has heard before that says, “Every heart has a story to tell.” Many just scroll past it and completely ignore it. Some of you can’t help but to think back to that perfect time in your life, and you can’t help but remember the time where you felt as if a piece of you had been taken away. Sara Haze wrote a song called “Every Heart.” The chorus is as follows:
EVERY HEART has a story to tell
Some dreams have wings, some are torn at the seams
and just sit there on the shelf
If you were to walk in my shoes
You’d see we are all the same
So find the love inside yourself
Cause EVERY HEART has a story to tell
This is my heart
This is my story to tell
EVERY HEART has a story to tell
People often look back to this time and question why. Why did this have to happen to me? It happened for a reason. Do not spend your time regretting the “what ifs” and the “what could have been.” The hard times, the trials, the stumbles and falls are what made you who you are. They have shaped you into the person that you are today. Those times have made you stronger and wiser. It is all a learning experience whether you realize it or not. The “what might have been” that you think would have been perfect may have been a blessing in disguise. That hard time you faced could have been because of losing a loved one or a break-up, a dream that was crushed, you and your best friend growing apart, or a job opportunity that didn’t go through. Whatever that may be, it has made you into the strong, beautiful, and wonderful person that you are today.
So whether it is “the love of your life, the fourth of July, the times you laughed so hard you cried, the first day of ballet, hardships you faced, all the memories along the way, it’s the love you lost, the love you made, makes us who we are today:” you have a story to tell. It’s YOUR heart, it’s YOUR story; it is what made YOU who YOU are. Stop looking back on the past and think about the wonderful future that you have ahead of you. Every heart has a story to tell, so make a new story, a new plan, a new memory, and a new dream.