After some extensive research and data collection, I have successfully uncovered the 7 groups in which most men at the University of Utah fit into. There is a 99% chance you have dated someone on this list or you ARE someone on this list. The outliers and honorable mention include: the musician, the ballet major, and the guy who takes classes for noncredit and might be your dad's age.
1. The Ski Bum
Usually smells like cigarettes and beer, but his charm is enough to mask it. Ski bum will usually always be on the cusp of being your boyfriend, but he can't take anything seriously enough to take YOU seriously... which is totally fine as long as you both stay on the same page. He will always be there for you, help you move your furniture, and will integrate really well with your friend group... but he probably isn't going to make you his "#wcw". He is your go-to drinking game partner and bar buddy. For a good time, lasting friendship, and the occasional romantic gesture, a ski bum is a perfect male counterpart to have here at the University of Utah.
2. The Frat Ass
You can spot a frat ass from a mile away. They always look like they are about to go golfing and usually have a beer in hand at all times. Dating a frat ass depends a lot on whether you are in a sorority or not. If you are apart of greek life, dating a frat ass could be ideal considering you both could be go-to dates to random events. Also, his friends and your friends automatically become unified since greeks stick together. If a sorority is not for you, you are a GDI (God Damn Independent). You will reap the benefits of attending formals, endless parties, and meeting tons of new people without paying the hefty price to join a sorority such as Alpha Pie Delta Zeta Joaquin Phoenix Omega.
3. The Mormon
You can't have the full Utah experience without experiencing the Mormon side of dating. He is a breath of fresh air for a heathen like myself. This is the only guy that will actually ask you on a date IN person. He is the only one that retains the rare traditional dating culture that us ladies yearn to have more of. The downside is you might have to watch your unbecoming sailor mouth and you probably can't grab a drink together... unless he is a jack-Mormon which could probably be its own sub-category in this article. The Mormon may only last for a couple of dates depending on your lifestyle and views, but he is a great reminder for the way you deserve to be treated and someone to have good, wholesome fun with.
4. The Guy From the Student Life Center
You will never actually speak to this man and you will most certainly never actually date him. He is solely for your viewing pleasure while running for five minutes on the treadmill. He might not know you exist, but fate must of brought you together since you both are at the gym everyday at the same time. The stars have aligned. You will lock eyes with each other while doing crunches. You will follow him from the upstairs track to the downstairs weight area. You may be a stalker, considering you have multiple photos of him saved on your phone that you send to your friends. He is your gym boyfriend and nothing more. If your gym boyfriend becomes your actually boyfriend, the illusion is ruined. If you actually TALK to your gym boyfriend, you have to inertly break up with him and find a new one. There is no way gym boyfriend can live up to your actual expectations.
5. The Grad Student
This guy is already a keeper considering he has a degree in something. You expect him to be more mature compared to the other guys on this list, but it turns out he is just as much of an imbecile as the rest of them... in fact he is probably dealing with a quarter life crisis involving transitioning into real adulthood and writing an extensive thesis on the degradation of Utah's air quality to even have enough time for you. Bonus points if this guy is a TA for one of your classes because he is probably the one grading your papers. Commencing a relationship with your TA is slightly frowned upon, but definitely legal (I checked).
6.The Athlete
This guy is a player literally and figuratively. The athlete is definitely a hard guy to tie down, but once you score, he is one of the most dedicated and caring guys on this list. He is locally famous since the school is Pac-12 and being associated with him makes you slightly famous around campus as well. You will be like those girls on Basketball Wives just way less fabulous. If you are an athlete dating another athlete, you are campus royalty and us athletically challenged people will obsess over your genetic superiorness. Go Utes!
There is quite a selection to choose from here at the University of Utah. The dating pool for ladies is plentiful considering the gender distribution at the U is 55.3 percent male students and 44.7 percent females. Meeting new people is one of the best parts of college, and you will likely meet one of these guys during your academic career. I know I have! *inconspicuously snaps picture of gym boyfriend*