Every girl deserves a good guy. I don't care what anyone has told you, how you have been treated in the past, or what you have done in the past, every girl deserves a good guy. It is easy to settle for that feel good temporary feeling, but don't do it.
You deserve a forever good feeling. You deserve a guy who will tell you how beautiful you are constantly, will look at you with eyes of pure love, will lead the relationship, will respect your wishes, and will hold your heart more delicately than one would hold an egg. You deserve to be loved by someone who loves you not for what you can do, but for who you are.
The thing is, you deserve a good guy but you will not have a good guy until you believe that you deserve a good guy. Until you can see your worth and how much you truly deserve, you will settle for less. Regardless of how many good things your parents and friends tell you about yourself and how many times they tell you what you deserve, you will never see it until you believe it. This is all coming from a girl who didn't see what she deserved until this year.
This is coming from a girl who settled for years because she craved love so much and believed that the temporary good feeling was love. This is coming from a girl who allowed guys to manipulate her feelings, lower her self-esteem and self-worth, and make her feel worthless. I want every girl to avoid what I've experienced and realize now how much they have to offer. Take time and search for your worth and value; find your confidence. See yourself for the beautiful person you were created to be.