This is not a New Years Eve resolution or bucket list that I would like to start working on. Coming out of graduate school, I have abandoned many of my everyday chores and activities, left to collect dust while I sulk and carry myself through every grueling day of the semester. So for this piece, I would like to, for my own sanity and reminder, write a list of all the things I will be able to continue doing once my degree is in my hand.
1. Clean my room.
I'm sorry three baskets of laundry that have literally everything I've worn since September 15th up until now.
2. Apply to jobs.
Working full-time in a teaching unpaid internship, while working 20 hours a week to get paid for lack of payment in said unpaid internship, and still having to sleep, eat and do homework in a week is overwhelming enough. Throw in the stress that I will, in fact, have a degree with no actual job awaiting me is terrifying and I look forward to the free time I will have while being unemployed to become employed.
3. Paint my toenails.
I'm just praying the sparkly gold fading ends of my toenail polish isn't the same sparkly gold nail polish from last New Year's Eve.
4. Finish the last 2 episodes of American Horror Story.
Why did I even both trying to start this season? And then I stop at the last 2 episodes? Really? The suspense is killing me.
5. Go shopping.
For not professional clothing.
6. Look for apartments.
Goodbye unpaid internship, hello at least 5 months of saving minimum wage money.
7. Possibly allow myself to enjoy the company of others.
Now that I won't be ridden with the anxiety of having to do homework the second I go home.
8. Going to bed at 10 pm and not have to worry that I'll be waking up 6 hours later.
9. Sit in front of my wood stove and drink coffee.
Working both the weekdays and the weekends makes for very little down time. Lots of coffee with be drank but for pleasure, not necessity.
10. Read a novel.
Not a textbook, a novel.