Now that the Republican and Democratic National Conventions have come to an end, it is time for Americans to seriously consider all of their options for the presidential election in November. Although it might have seemed like one at many points during the nomination process, this election is not a joke. Like it or not, the future of our country rests in the hands of one of these candidates, and it is our job to choose the one that will be the best president. Here is what every American needs to do as the presidential election process continues to unfold.
1. Register to vote.
2. Actually get informed about each candidate's political standpoints.
Cast an educated vote this election. Don't vote for Trump just because he's a businessman and not a politician. Don't vote for Clinton just because she's a woman. What our next president does while he or she is in office not only affects us for the next four (or eight) years, but also affects the future of the next generation. With candidates who are very opinionated on major current issues, such as immigration reform, gun rights, military intervention, student debt and LGBT rights, there will most likely be some major changes coming up during the next president's term. Because of this, we should all be choosing someone who actually sides with our own beliefs and what we think is best for our country.
There are plenty of resources available online to get informed about where each candidate stands on the issues. The first place you can check is each candidate's campaign websites (links can be found at the end of this article). Each candidate has a section labeled "Issues," where you can read about their views on issues that are important to them. Another resource I highly recommend is I Side With, where you can take a quiz that asks you where you stand on the issues and when you're done, compares your answers to each of the candidate's standpoints. The results section tells you how similar your views are to each candidate's views and even breaks it down by issue (social, economic, foreign policy, etc.) because, especially if you're moderate, it is possible to side with different candidates on different issues. After you narrow down your choices, you can then do some further research to make sure you're siding with the right candidate for our country.
3. Don't be discouraged to vote for a third party candidate.
As an American, you have a right to vote and you have the right to vote for whoever you want. The media keeps telling us that we "have to settle for Trump or Clinton," and that this election is about "picking the lesser of two evils;" the media is wrong. There are actually four candidates that will appear on the ballot in November; besides Trump and Clinton, Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party are also running for president and will appear as an option on your ballot in November.
You can find more information on Gary Johnson in an article I wrote in June, "Gary Johnson: An Alternative To Clinton And Trump." As for Jill Stein, according to her website, she is not a politician by trade, but is actually a physician and ran for the Green Party in the 2012 presidential election. Stein is most concerned about the environment and health, but is also very passionate about fixing our political system to make more representative of a true democracy. The Green National Convention is set to take place this week, August 4-7, at the University of Houston, so expect to hear more about her in the very near future.
If you strongly oppose some of Trump or Clinton's views, then you do not have to settle for either candidate. Especially if your beliefs are strongly aligned with those of either Johnson or Stein, you should consider siding with them instead. Many people say that a vote for a third party candidate is a "wasted vote," but this mentality is what has made us unable to break the two party system that has existed in our country for too long. While there has been so much change in society since the birth of our country, for some reason, many Americans still feel that we need to cling to this two party system. However, the reality is that more and more Americans are straying from the Republican and Democratic parties.
In 2014, research found that we had hit a record high of registered Independents. There are actually more Independents (39 percent) than there are Democrats (32 percent) and Republicans (23 percent) and it is because more Americans have become moderate, or "middle-of-the-road," and do not feel that their beliefs align with either party. Hypothetically, this would be the perfect opportunity for a third party candidate to be elected, but still Americans do not stray from the two major parties. This is something that needs to be changed, and can be changed during this election if more Americans support third party candidates.
4. Follow the presidential election as it continues to develop.
Just because the RNC and DNC are over does not mean that all is set and done until the presidential debates, set to begin in September. Candidates will be campaigning until then, giving speeches at various places throughout the country. There is still much to be said and done before Election Day, and we should all keep a close eye and ear on our candidate to make sure they are the right pick.
It is up to us to improve the future of our country. Be sure to get informed and get out and vote!
And for more information on the candidates, check out their websites: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.