6. Go tubing/kayaking | The Odyssey Online
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9 Things Every Adventurous Person Should Do This Summer

Summer lovin' had me a blast...Nine things that you should do this summer!

9 Things Every Adventurous Person Should Do This Summer
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Summer is here and it's time to kick back and enjoy the days!

1.  Visit your state parks

Ricketts Glenn State Park- 94' natural waterfall

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Whether it is a local state park that is only a few minutes away or one that is almost four hours away. Take a day or two and visit the state parks and enjoy nature and the fresh air.

2. Go camping on the beach


This is a two in one activity. You can go camping and enjoy your stay on the beach and listen to the natural sounds of the ocean.

3. Visit small towns and support local business

Stop by local farmers markets or simply hit up those flea markets and support local business and families. Eat at the family-owned restaurant instead of eating at the McDonald's down the street.

4. Tour historical towns 


Perhaps if there are towns with great history or places with a daunting past, tour them either during the day or if you dare at night. Maybe even do some personal ghost hunting.

5. Take a dip or ride in an amusement park and water park


Maybe visit that amusement park that also has a water park. Ride some rides and take a dip in the pool when the heat takes over.

6.  Go tubing/kayaking


Find some old tire tubes or an inner tube or use some kayaks if you have some, find a good spot on the local rivers or deep creek and determine a place to start and finish. Gather your friends and take a day to go floating down the water but make sure to pack your sunscreen.

7. Participate in a photo shoot with your friends


Gather some close friends find a local photographer and spend a few hours or so having fun and taking cute photos filled with laughter.

8. Go to music festivals

Warped Tour Summer '18- Waterparks @ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Between Warped Tour, Firefly, Lollapalooza, Burning Man, or Bonnaroo. There are so many to choose from. You can easily find cheap tickets and still have a great time!

9. Volunteer at a local animal shelter

Personal Photo

Animals deserve all the love they can get. Volunteer at a local animal shelter and give love to the animals who haven't found their forever homes. If you can donate, do it, whether it is food, toys, or money to help with vet bills. Maybe even starts a fundraiser in your home town.

If animals aren't your thing, you can always volunteer in a homeless shelter or anywhere else. Volunteering brings a sense of happiness and pride that cannot be described.

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