Every person who has even the slightest bit of curiosity or stupidity has had one question that they couldn't or shouldn't ask out load. For my friend Kat in high school it was, "Does a rape kit come with chains?" in the middle of our forensics with our perverted self obsessed science teacher face palming himself so hard he probably gave himself a headache while I slowly died of laughter of the corner.
For me it was whenever I opened my mouth around my mother as a child, which essentially insured the destruction of my opinion due to my utter ignorance or half sided opinion or poorly understood topic due to the utter incompetence of our public school systems in the United States (note: to all teachers that was not aimed at you).
Due to the anonymity of the internet these days anyone can ask any question at any point and the internet in its infinite wisdom will either shoot you down or troll you on an epic way that makes the sender possibly cry themselves to sleep or stare blankly at the screen at the screen because they don't understand the jokes.
As a child I was always incredibly blunt, which lost me a ton of friends. But earned me a valuable insight, I am not here to pass judgement on anyone. That being said I would like to start a column, ask and answer. Any questions you may ask can be summited anonymously and I will research each question and give you an answer that will hopefully give you some unbiased advice on a situation whether it be relationships, scientific, philosophical, or anything that happens to grace your mind at the moment.