Although I wouldn't say I'm the world's worst procrastinator, I'm pretty close. I lack motivation in many areas that I wish I could be more productive in. For instance, I want to live a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating healthy but the motivation is just not there. I work at a gym and can't even get myself to workout. Now the eating healthy part comes from being broke, but that's another story.
If it is able to be pushed aside, you can bet that I've done it before. I will even wait to eat just to see if someone else wants to go with me. Procrastination does, however, show me what I really enjoy doing. I do my job well because I enjoy it. I get things done if I find it useful.
That being said, I definitely don't see procrastination as a bad thing all of the time. If I am procrastinating, I can look at it and really ask myself why I am doing so. It has made me realize a lot about myself. Like the classes I enjoy, or the groups I am involved with.
Homework is a very commonly procrastinated subject for me, however, I believe I chose the right major because I don't typically push those classes' assignments aside, unless I have just completely forgotten in altogether, which I have also done. Many times.
I do actually hate that I procrastinate so much but I promise I am working on it. Getting assignments and projects done early, clearing my head of distractions and other remedies that I found on Google help a lot!
So if others find themselves in my situation, take a moment to ask yourself why you are procrastinating and see if there is something you can do to change it, whether that be how you go about facing the task, or simply removing it from your life. I think people too often see procrastination as this horrible thing that causes people to become slackers when they could really use it to determine if what they are doing is really meaningful and useful to them or their future.