7 Things You'll Experience During An Indoor Cycling Ride | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things You'll Experience During An Indoor Cycling Ride

Friends don't let friends use the treadmill.

7 Things You'll Experience During An Indoor Cycling Ride
Pointe Studio

One of the newly popular fitness crazes out there is indoor cycling. There are new studios popping up everywhere. An awesome way to sweat out your day or jump start your day. The world of indoor cycling definitely has some haters expressing comments like, "Don't the instructors just yell at you?" And my all time favorite, "Why would you ride a bike if you can't go anywhere?" Pretty sure that's what you're doing on a treadmill too: not going anywhere. Anyways, this upbeat exercise comes with insecurities for a new rider. They wonder how the class is going to be taught and if they'll look funny if they've never cycled before. Have no fear newbies, here are common practices that will go down in your average cycling class.

Instant and Initial Vibes

You walk into that studio and judgments are made. Within five minutes of walking in, you'll catch the vibe of the class. Is the studio small or big? Are there a lot of bikes or only a small group of them? Is there music playing? Is the instructor jamming out already to the music, or is he/she casually socializing? Although your specific thoughts on the class will come later, the atmosphere, good or bad, will be set early.


After you've correctly set up your bike, ask if you need help because there is nothing worse than a bike that doesn't fit you. Take some time to remember why you went to class. Make a goal for yourself on your bike. Whether you want to focus on speed, intervals, jumps, or hills. Put it in your head and when you feel like you just can't anymore, bring that intention back up.

First Impression Song

Personally, if the first song of the class is a jam, I instantly push all of my "I don't actually want to be here" thoughts far away from my mind. The first song sets the mood. If the ride is straight from hell or a royal a** kicker, chances are I'm still in my negative and apprehensive mood. Praying that the class starts off on a strong and content note is a daily practice of mine. You'll know right in this moment whether or not you need more head talk, or you can ride in enjoyment.


Often these are the slower songs with defined beats you can only ride to if your legs are moving slow. This is a sure indicator of some steep hills coming your way. This is the part of cycling that really channels your inner Gandhi. You need as much motivation as possible to get yourself up your imaginary hill (cue cycling hater's comment). The instructor is yelling to keep pushing. You glance to your left and see your neighbor struggling just as hard as you, if not more. This is the real deal folks. Push yourself even though you feel like you're going to fall off the bike. Remember, you're legs burning means more muscles emerging our of your current out-of-shape tone.


30 on 30 off, 20 on 20 off, pyramids, etc. Instructions you'll hear when intervals are coming. The HIIT (high intensity interval training) version of cycling helps your body to keep burning those calories even after you're done. Yes, these are a good addition to your ride. No, they are not easy. Yes, you're summer bod with thank you later. Music is key in my mind with intervals. Jam out on that fast chorus and push your legs to go faster than they ever have before. Don't think, just ride.


Okay, you're not literally jumping in your saddle, but this term refers to jumping within positions. They can be confusing for the beginner level riders, or any rider in general. The instructor will tell you when to switch. Listen and feed off their energy if you're struggling. Once again, music is important. The song is usually chosen in favor of its beat to jump to. This is the perfect time to kick some butt and crush some goals. Let loose and dance/sing/whatever to the upbeat music blaring inside your studio room.

Cool Down (Thank God)

You finished! You're whole body is glistening in crying fat cells. Accomplishment is an understatement, chances are you killed it. You took the time to get your physical activity in for the day and that is all that matters. Take this designated time to stretch out. Don't skip out because your sore body in the morning will be yearning for a nice long stretch.

Indoor cycling is becoming one of the most popular way of exercising. Studios range from skill level and intensity. Try out a variety before you find yours (spoiler: they usually have first ride free specials). Enjoy the time on your bike. Like I said earlier, you came to class for a reason; so kill that reason with some hard work and you won't be disappointed. Ride for yourself and have some healthy-body fun.

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