I have always believed in concept of true love and soul mates. I think it's a wonderful thing that has been a part of every day human life. But as the years go on it's not as picture perfect as it seems, like in the movies when you find that special someone who makes your day shine a little brighter.
All throughout my life, I've had crushes, which is nice until you need to be brave and confess your feelings for them. Now I'm not the most outspoken person when it comes to having feelings for someone. In fact, the first time I had to confess my feelings — or somewhat confessed — was in middle school. I was so scarred from that person just wanting to be friends and it really put a dent in my confidence, and it didn't help when he had liked someone else.
As I got older and I matured, I began to realize that I don't need someone that can make me happy. Sure, it'd be nice to have someone thinking about me or asking how my day went, but it's nicer when I can take care of my well-being. Sometimes, another person can't do that for you.
As I reach the end of my college years, I am able to figure out how I can really figure out who I am and what I want to do in life. No one else can do that, except you. Only you can figure out what you want, and for me personally I don't think I can be with someone else until I figure out who I am and what I want in this world.
Do I want to fall in love? Yes.
Am I ready to fall in love? Maybe.
Am I ready to take care of another person besides myself? Possibly.
There are so many questions that I could answer, but now is the time to focus on me. With me being single, I can do everything that I want to do before I don't have the chance to.
I can travel to exotic places, move to a new city, learn a new language, ANYTHING! There's so much that I can do, and if that person comes along to steal my heart, then I continue to grow and learn from being in a relationship, but until then . . . I've never had a boyfriend and I'm going to continue to live my life to the fullest.