Leaving the mall cafeteria Mrs. Powercouple motions her body to view her newly formed arch nemesis out of curiosity. When a mutual eye contact becomes evident between them, a domino effect of laughter begins screeching from their direction. Rushing to turn around and continue walking away, she began towards the restroom to try and control these tears now forming and falling beside her cheeks.
  "His friends don't even care about him" She thought as she was trying to piece together what just happened. "Why do I even care, I don't even know him or his mysterious girlfriend." At that moment flashbacks to her childhood began corrupting her mind, milking the tears building up in her eyes. Thinking back to a middle school love, she was reminded how misunderstood she always was.Â
  Falling for a little boys trap of reeling her in, she was lost in her feelings. He was the class clown and gained popularity because of it, while Mrs. Powercouple was more of the "suffer in silence" type, hidden by the "weird" persona she had developed in her early childhood. Their only common interest was humor, unfortunately he brought it to the table while she attracted it to herself.
  Everything Mrs. P did was used against her. She talked to someone out of the kindness of her heart, and he looked at her as a whore. She stood up for what she believed in and he looked at her like she was crazy and wanted nothing to do with it. She was his little secret so no one even knew about them, and as if things couldn't get any worse, he publicly had another girlfriend. After a few months of endurance, she finally built up the courage to leave him.
  He lost it, and being the popular class clown that he was he turned the whole school against her. Girls started waiting outside of her classes with intentions of inflicting pain on her. She even got called into the principal's office a few times for vandalizing the school walls, because he thought it would be funny to write her name on them. She didn't even go to her 8th grade graduation because of how overwhelmed she grew. She was the definition of misfortune. Nobody understood her ways then, and its apparent that nothing has changed now.