In the media, and in life, young adults are constantly being attacked for the plights of millennials. The older generations are either blaming millennials for everything awful occurring in society or writing off millennials as the cause of any changes in the world. Young people, in general, are categorized as millennials, but it may be surprising to find out that most college students are actually not millennials. Millennials are actually the generation that reaches adulthood around the time of the turn of the century. It is a common misconception that it is the generation born around the year 2000. In actuality, Millennials are born throughout the 1980s to the mid-1990s. So if are not Millennials, what are we?
INTRODUCING: Generation Z!
Generation Z is the generation of people born between 1995 and 2006. They were born around the turn of the century, but have grown up in the early 2000s. The oldest Generation Z would be turning 22 in 2017, while the youngest would be turning 11. It is a pretty broad range of people. While this is the generation that immediately follows the Millennials, there are actually some pretty key differences.
Generation Z is more realistic. Millennials were raised under the notion that all their dreams were possible. Since Generation Z'ers were raised, watching the older generation's dreams be crushed, they became more pragmatic and are constantly attempting to master new skills. Generation Z is also more cautious than Millennials. Growing up through spikes in terrorism and the 2008 recession, Generation Z craves stability and security. This is especially true with money, with college debt looming over them.
Similar to the generation that followed the Baby Boomers, Generation Z is often over-shadowed by Millennials and seem to go unnoticed, or simply lumped into the Millennial Generation. This hasn't stopped Generation Z in any way. Generation Z is the most globalized of all generations to date. With growing technology and media, Generation Z was raised with access to the entire world, often without leaving their house. This technology may be a crutch for Generation Z'ers. While Millennials embraced the growth of technology, Generation Z has only every known this technological era. This generation is the most dependent on technology.
Generation Z'ers are also typically less-parented. Quick history lesson: Generation Z was most commonly raised by the slightly jaded, forgotten about Generation X, that fits itself precisely between Baby Boomers and Millennials. Often from strict households, with latchkey upbringings, Generation X raised their children in the open, safe environment they never seemed to have. Millennials, stereotypically believed to be narcissistic and entitled, were raised by Baby Boomers, who were independent and self-inflating. Since Generation X had such overbearing parents, they tended to be less strict on their Generation Z offspring, resulting in children raised with more freedom and self-determination.
Generation Z has become the best multi-taskers of all. Generation Z'ers create documents, digitally share notes, check 3 to 4 mediums of social media, all while watching TV and flipping between phone and computer. They will most likely redefine typical workspaces to fit their need for more stimuli. Because of this, Generation Z is less focused. Yes, they can take in all this information, but it pulls away from what they need to be doing and can be a hindrance. The mind of a Generation Z person is full of Tasty recipes and 6 second Vines. It can be hard to keep it all straight.
Generation Z is more independent and entrepreneurial. With the world constantly changing around them as they grow up, Generation Z has to learn how to make it for themselves. This generation is making new job titles for jobs that wouldn't have existed 20 years ago but now are in high demand. Their world is still drastically changing and Generation Z wants to be right at the front of it.
While Millennials may be an umbrella term for any young American person, Generation Z is bringing a lot of new things to the table. They are taking what they need from the generations that came before and making new things, all while just trying to keep up. As Generation Z, the generation of media, multi-tasking, and lack of focus, grows up, what generation are they making way for? What comes next?