Manicures, that's probably what you think of in the context of nail polish or maybe you come from a dance background and there's that weird hack about putting clear nail polish on a hole in your tights to stop it from getting bigger. Whatever the case is nail polish has several other uses (surprising, I know!).
Speaking of, who knew all the uses nail polish actually had, especially clear or topcoat.
Although, I wouldn't recommend leaving it out where your buddies can see it when they come over (I mean you could always say it's your girlfriends/sisters/mothers, or whatever), it turns out that nail polish can have some pretty good uses for guys too.
And no, it doesn't have to be pink.
1. Repairing holes in tights
TBH, I couldn't remember if this was true or not so I looked it up and found eight other ways to fix a hole in tights. Also as a former dancer/ performer, I can say that I have definitely done this a few times.
2. Color coding keys (and various other things)
Having several keys that looks so similar in one spot can really be a hassle. The solution is easy, just use a different color nail polish for each one and then either mark that color somewhere or paint the corresponding lock the same color.
3. Keep labels from smudging
I didn't know this was even a way to use it before doing this, however, it makes so much sense. For example, when you have to write your name in your clothes (another dancer hack) and don't want the sweat to smudge it off.
4. Sealing envelopes without having to lick them
hate that gross taste in your mouth that comes after you lick an envelope to close it? Well, if you have some nail polish in the house, you don't have to worry about doing that anymore.
5. To help prevent various laces and other strings from fraying
Also, depending on the type of shoelace or string, taking a lighter and burning the tips can do the same thing (dancer hack number 3), as long as you do it safely of course. I've done this to one of my jumpsuits to keep those strings neat as well.
6. To help prevent rust rings from shaving cream and other metal bottles in the shower
Do you leave your shaving cream bottles in the shower over long periods of time? Do they rust? Does it leave a gross mess that is hard to clean off? Well just put a bit of clear polish on the side of the bottom rims and you are good to go.
7. Use it as a subsitute for liquid bandage
Personally, I would rather use the liquid bandage (both sting, no matter which you use), but if you have a small cut and need a quick fix (and don't have any liquid bandage handy), clear nail polish is the way to go.
8. Prevent buttons from falling off
If your buttons have a habit of falling off right after you sew them on (or maybe from overuse because let's face it, they are in that one specific area that stresses the button.) Well, to fix that, simply adding a small dot of clear nail polish should help alleviate the problem (at least for a little while).
9. Can help stop an allergic reaction to metal
Are you allergic to metal? Maybe you have a bad rash or the area becomes swollen after wearing metal objects. Well one way to help prevent that is to put nail polish (again clear) on the metal to create the boundary that you need between the two.
10. Helps waterproof stick matches
Just dip the heads of the matches in the bottle and you are ready to go.
11. Seal splinters in wood
We all know how painful these things can be, so why not avoid the problem altogether by simply sealing them away.