When in Europe | The Odyssey Online
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3 Stops You Can't Afford To Miss When Traveling Through Europe

Take every opportunity for adventure, you won't regret it!

3 Stops You Can't Afford To Miss When Traveling Through Europe
Briann George

This last year I was able to join the amazing organization Chi Omega. There I was introduced to a woman that would push me to step outside of my comfort zone and create an opportunity of a lifetime. Her name was Payton Focht. Payton is now my big, an older member of my sorority who would take me under her wing and be my go-to person.

This summer Payton did a study abroad program that would take her to Ireland. After completing her program she invited me to meet me over in Europe. Then proceeded the planning of the trip. We planned to go to France, Spain, and Portugal.

This trip was incredible. Never pass an opportunity to get out and explore other places and experience different cultures and people. It would also be my first time flying out of the country, to learn how to handle international airports alone, figure out travel plans and be able to adapt. I learned and grew so much in just that portion alone.

Yet to the more exciting piece, my favorite part of each country was unique in each of their own ways.

Stop 1: Paris, France

When I landed in Paris I automatically was captivated by its beauty. The limestone buildings created a very pleasing aesthetic that I was immediately drawn to. Walking down the avenues and seeing people socializing in cafes on the streets was something that I had never seen before and it was interesting to see people in this social scene. My eyes were also drawn to the building which held such rich history in their infrastructure that radiated beauty in the unique detail placed in the stones.

Stop 2: Madrid, Spain

Spain was also captivating to me in the different cultures and beautiful history that is found on the buildings. However were stayed in the soul of the city and I enjoyed the hustle and bustle of people as they stormed the streets. We were also at the center of all the shops. I was constantly inspired in a fashion sense which was something that was very exciting to me. Everyone was so fashion forward and unique in the outfits they chose and that was so interesting to me.

Stop 3: Porto, Portugal

Out of all the countries, we visited Portugal was my favorite. In the Uber ride to our hotel, I was blown away by the colors that filled the city and made the city glow. It was intriguing in the people and the landscape. It was located along the Douro river which automatically added to its beauty to me, the blues, the greens, the yellow and orange all come together so well that your eyes could be drawn away. The people of Porto were also so proud of Porto and enjoyed all their visitors and were so happy to tell you all they could about this wonderful place.

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