The time has come to become an adult for thousands of college students across the nation. We are all in the process of sending in applications and going to interview after interview. So, how does one stand out among thousands? The answer is a simple etiquette workshop. In today’s society, people tend to think that etiquette is a dying cause, kind of like chivalry. I recently attended an etiquette workshop, and it may have been the best decision I’ve ever made so far in my college career.
There are so many things that I was doing wrong, including my handshake, how I introduce myself, even how I eat a dinner roll. These are very simple gestures, however, these are the things that are going to make or break your chance of getting a job. Here is everything that you need to know:
1. Eye Contact
When speaking with a potential employer, it is so important to look them straight in the eyes. This will indicate that you are a force to be reckoned with and not about to back down.
2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Pay attention to your body posture, how you are presenting yourself, and the kind of conversations you are having. You never know who will be watching you, so you will want to be on top of your game at all times. This includes in person as well as social media. You know what they say, “the internet is forever.”
3. Dress To Impress
You want to look your best when meeting your potential future boss. If you show up looking polished and put together, you will without a doubt be remembered. Showing up to a dinner party with a clean, tucked-in button down shirt or a formal black dress will make all the difference. You don’t have to out-dress everyone there, but looking like you somewhat have your life together will do the trick
4. Practice Your Networking Skills
Figure out the type of guests that are going to be in attendance and research the company, have business cards or a resume handy, don’t be afraid to ask questions! Having something concrete will make you stand out and will make that potential employer remember you. Not everyone is a prime communicator and that is okay. Just get as much practice as you can by looking up interview tips and tricks on Google and going to every interview that you can to get better at answering questions
5. Believe in Your Own Ability
The most important thing that you can bring to any interview or business dinner is your confidence. The surer of yourself you are, the more comfortable you will feel. Be confident when you introduce yourself, answer questions, even when you shake someone’s hand. If you are truly passionate about the conversation, it will be obvious that you are the best candidate for the job. Out of every point in this article, being confident is, above all, the most crucial to remember. You might not have the resources to get the best clothes or purchase business cards, but you will always have access to your confidence and you know yourself better than anyone, so don’t be afraid to talk yourself up and showcase your skills.
Even if you think you know it all, I encourage you to take a class or even look up tips online. The internet is wonderful for stuff like this. I know all of this stuff sounds a bit outrageous, but I promise you it will pay off. This small amount of time and effort that you put in now will make a huge impact on your future. You could have just as much experience as the next person, but this is truly how you will stand out from the rest. Now go out there and practice some etiquette!