I really think I lucked out in life when it came to the gene pool. I have the tendency to tan from my mother's side and light-colored eyes from my father's. All year my skin has a caramel tone to it, and I have to say, having green eyes kind of rocks. I'm proud to not only identify as Caucasian but also to identify as Latina.
What does suck though is when no one knows you're mixed.
I'm not asking for a giant sign or to shout it from the rooftop, but literally, no one knows unless I tell them. My life got really awkward when I realized I am ethnically ambiguous. You can tell there's some color there, but where does it come from? Maybe she's just a white girl who tans really well.
I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain that no, I don't use a self-tanner year-round and yes, my mother is Latina. I am mixed. I swear. The shock I get from people is astounding. What's really funny is when they try to argue with me.
"No, you're not! You're just like really tan!" Seriously? You're going to tell me I'm not what I am… Alright.
I know when you look at me, my appearance doesn't scream my ethnicity but c' mon, give a girl a little credit!
I'm not going to lie, constantly being told "no, you're not Latina" or "oh that was funny! You're just white right?" really messed with my identity. It was funny the first thousand times, but after a while, it starts to grate on your nerves a little. I don't know how many times I can argue with someone about it before I just give up.
Being ethnically ambiguous is a weird existence. I've sort of become that obnoxious person who states their ethnicity within five minutes of meeting them because my theory is if enough people know, maybe it'll become common knowledge in my social circle. I won't hold my breath though. It hasn't worked so far.
I just want to say thank you to those people who knew right off the bat there was something more than white about me. You've definitely pushed down the suspicion of my being adopted, and I thank you for that.