I've always disliked Judas Iscariot.
We all know his story all too well. He was one of the 12 Disciples of Christ, and walked with Him daily. He witnessed miracles alongside his 11 brothers. While the Bible doesn’t record how he was called to follow, I'm sure it was similar to the others. It would appear that Judas dropped everything to follow The Way, The Truth, and The Life. From the beginning of Jesus’ ministry I’m sure Judas was not much different from the other disciples.
However, something changed.
Somewhere along the way, Judas stopped following. One day he decided that this Jesus guy was ridiculous and he had enough. So, Judas betrayed Jesus. He sought out a way to do so. He betrayed him for a mere 30 silver pieces. I know and realize, from scripture, that all of this was part of God's ultimate plan. However, I wish that Judas’ story didn’t have to end the way it did.
I realized for the first time reading about the betrayal in Matthew 27 that Judas later feels remorse (to have a change of heart, motive, etc. afterwards) for what he had done. Not only that, he returns the 30 pieces of silver he had gained (Matthew 27: 3). He obviously knew that what he had done was wrong and regretted it.
What kills me about this whole thing is that Judas never gets it. He followed Jesus for years, and never got it. Jesus loved him. From the beginning Jesus knew that Judas would be the one to betray Him, and He loved him still. He never treated him with sass or contempt, but rather like a brother. Judas never understood this. I hate that for him. Had Judas realized the depth of Jesus' love for him, Mt. 27:5 may never have been written. Our God is the God of second chances and knowing what I know about God, I believe that if Judas' had truly repented; Jesus would have welcomed him back with open arms. Sadly though Judas never got it.
Don't be like Judas.
Know today that Jesus loves you unconditionally. Yes, I know there are things in your past or possibly even your present that are ugly and full of shame. However, God has known you since before the beginning of time, and He loves you so much that He sent His Son (not his servant, not his cousin, not his best friend, HIS SON!) to die for you! So that you would be free from all of that shame, guilt, fear, and regret. He died, even though you've betrayed Him, because He loves you and wants to spend forever with you.
So yes, you may not be proud of the things you've done or are currently doing, but I need you to get this: Jesus loves you. So let go of those regrets, ask Him for forgiveness, and run into His open arms! You don't have to be a Judas anymore!