Along with things like the usual wallet and phone, we stuff our purses with a lot of unwanted clutter. I tend to find myself cleaning out my purse more often than usual. To prevent myself from further clutter and hopefully help others with the same situation, I came up with a handy-dandy list. Hope this helps ladies!
1. Painkillers
These are a must. If you are having your cycle, a headache is coming on or your back aches this will cure it all! What is also useful is antacids which come in handy if you are eating out.
2. Hair ties and baby pins
I have always found myself searching my purse for these when my hair starts to get annoying.
3. Compact mirror and beauty essentials
A mirror comes in handy when you need to touch up on your makeup and having extra powder or mascara will keep your makeup perfect all day long.
4. Pads/Tampons
You never know when Mother Nature will drop by or when you might save someone's else day.
5. Kleenex
This will be needed in the winter or if you are attending a funeral.
6. Perfume
This helps when you have had a long day at work and need to do shopping after.
7. Lotion
My hands get dry so I always keep some with me.
8. Hand sanitizer
This is useful for when you touch something sticky on a door handle. For germaphobes, this is essential.
10. Lip balm/Gloss
I carry some with me everywhere I go. It's a necessity.
11. Planner
I love my planner and I write everything in it from my school work, work schedule and events. It helps remind me of everything I need to do.
12. Something to snack on and mints/gum
I always bring granola bars with me and snacks if it will be a long day at school or work. Mints and gum for when your breath is funky.
13. Headphones and charger for phone
This helps for when you want to ignore everyone around you and when you are running low on battery and need a charge.
14. Extra $20 for emergency use ONLY
My mom always advised me to keep an extra $20 bill with me because life is unpredictable. This has helped when I have had to pay for parking and other unexpected small purchases.
15. Water
Stay hydrated. It's simple.