My secret to surviving college relies heavily on essential oils. They are nature's beautiful scents that work as a great stress-reliever that soothes and uplifts you. These scents not only calm your nerves but they are proven to treat sleep disorders and enhance efficiency. Here are some of my favorite scents for every mood.
1. Lavender
Not only is lavender one of the most gorgeous scents, but it also is known for its sleep-inducing results. While reducing stress and anxiety, it can also prevent acne, relieve pain, and enhance blood circulation. Diffuse Lavender at night on your bedside table for maximum results.
2. Eucalyptus
TAKE NOTES! Eucalyptus is my go-to oil for when I'm sick. It's a cooling and refreshing scent that is known for clearing the lungs and sinuses. It provides antioxidant protection and improves respiratory circulation. Diffuse when you're feeling a little under the weather.
3. LemonÂ
Lemon scents are known for its purifying and cleaning properties while also energizing and uplifting. Diffuse lemon oil in the mornings before starting your day.
4. PeppermintÂ
Peppermint's cooling and minty scent are known to help headaches and nausea. Either diffuse or apply to direct to the skin to cure any discomfort.
5. Orange
Orange is an anti-inflammatory scent that also helps as an antidepressant. It helps create a happy feeling while helping to reduce pulse rate and salivary cortisol which is experienced during a state of anxiety.
6. Tea Tree
Tea Tree scents help stimulate your immune system and help to heal skin due to its antibacterial action. Diffuse Tea Tree into your next skin care routine!