Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know (Pt. 1)
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Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know (Pt. 1)

The first part in a list of classics worth knowing!

Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know (Pt. 1)

Musical history…it will always be a part of what we hear today. Whether it’s in the next big song from a label like Shogun Audio, or the hot new EDM track of today, influence from the classics is all around us. There is always going to be a foundation which new music is built upon. A song that a current producer makes can be influenced by another song from a fellow producer, and that song is likely influenced by a song before that. It all creates a chain that contributes to the heritage of the classics and their impact on current and future works. The legacy of drum & bass is important.

Advances from the drum & bass of yesterday have helped to shape not only its sound today, but even the sound of most styles of electronic music now, in one way or another. Whether it was rolling bass lines, rough synthesized layers, or rhythmic creativity, those who have pushed the envelope, or solidified mainstay techniques, have inspired artists after them to share new ideas of their own, or pay homage to well kept traditions.

Therefore, it is only fitting to recognize to the classics. Listed below are the first ten songs out of one hundred that can best be deemed as “essential classics.” That’s right: we’ll be looking at one hundred songs that embody sentiments from beloved to groundbreaking. They are songs that are still loved today, and have forged the idea of what drum & bass is all about. Thus, there is no order of which songs are better. All songs listed are equally essential, and equally respectable. I give to you…

1. "Junglist Soldier (Dark Mix)" by Stevie Hyper D. - 1996

The late, great Stevie Hyper D. belts out "ruff" MC flavor over a rolling bass line, all put together with a clean break, creating the ultimate jungle anthem.

2. “True Romance” by dBridge & Vegas - 2004

A favorite in many drum & bass communities; half of the renowned Bad Company UK emotes feel good junglism alongside unforgettable instrumentation.

3. “Candy Man” by Phrenetic - 1994

Intense atmosphere and startling samples are executed perfectly in this Darkcore masterpiece.

4. “Just For You” by Shogun - 1995

Jazz and jungle come together in this radiantly relaxing classic. It is as catchy as it is cool.

5. “Desire” by D Kay & DJ Lee - 2006

Swirling sounds give way to a focused bass line assault, making for a well refined example of dark drum & bass.

6. “Coffee (Bonus Beat Mix) by DJ Trace - 1994

Creative drum rhythms, heavy bass, and groovy keys equals an essential from DJ Trace.

7. “Empty Rooms” by Outrage - 2005

The dramatic cuts along the drum breaks set the stage for intense, pounding bass and a foreboding background. It's hard to find jungle that controls the chaos this well.

8. "Durban Poison" by Babylon Timewarp - 1993

Beginning with a nod to drum & bass roots, a reggae-infused intro explodes into jungle fury. The transitions keep the experience fresh to this day.

9. “Light Sleeper” by Matrix, Fierce & Rymetime - 2002

Some of the best tunes are straightforward. This one is all about a rude bass line that can still make speakers quake today; such is a testament to its quality.

10. “Inner City Life” by Goldie - 1995

The most well known tune off the groundbreaking and aptly named album that is "Timeless," it isn't surprising that Goldie has become a household name in drum & bass culture.

Next week will be another ten songs of essential drum & bass classics, as we go all the way to one hundred! There are many more great classics ahead, but if it seems like I might miss something, let me know below.

I would like to give special thanks to these contributors at the DABIYF Crew:

Nigel "Rare" Walker, Eric D'Aguilar, Adam Cullen, Tommy Sowerby, Patrick Dawson, Marky Sparks, Ben Shorter, Paul Gardner, Reto Hausmann, TJ Rutherford, Ian Froud, Andrea Gomes, Danny Ainsworth, Andrew Aldridge

Want to get involved? Leave a comment below and share what you think is an essential drum & bass classic!

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