If you're a college student, there are so many free apps and student discounts that you should take advantage of!
I can't think of one person who doesn't want to receive free food, receive discounts on food, or receive discounts on other goods and services.
You won't be a college student forever and you'll probably never get such a great deal after these four or so years, so help yourself while you can.
A free app that helps us study? Yes, please. The best part about Quizlet is that you can make your own set of flashcards or use one of the millions already available!
A free app to help you save money on food? Sign me up. The Hooked App tracks you geographically so any restaurant that is signed up with Hooked will pop up on your feed.
Zupp is similar to the Hooked App but also includes things like reduced cover to certain clubs and bars as well. However, you do have to pay to use the app, which is one downside to it. However, they do offer a free one-month trial!
Amazon Prime
Did you know that you get 6 months of Amazon Prime for free if you sign up as a student? If you already have an account, you can still hook it up to your student account and get those free six months. Not to mention, after your six months are up, you pay a discounted price for the service.
If you are an avid coffee and Starbucks lover, do yourself a favor and get the app. Instead of paying with your credit card or cash when you go, upload money into the app. Once you get enough points, you'll get a free Starbucks drink (of any size).
Google Maps
Google Maps is, without a doubt, a gazillion times better than Apple Maps. For one, Google Maps is more accurate. My freshman year of college, I used Apple Maps and kept getting lost on campus because parts of the campus weren't included. Once I switched to Google Maps, I found my way around much better.
Pocket Points
Free food? Discounts with shopping? Yes and yes. Pocket Points is a free app that allows you to rack up points by staying off your phone in class or staying off your phone while driving. They have deals with major companies like Domino's or Papa Johns. Any company that is registered in your town will also pop up.
If you don't have Canvas on your phone, then you can't call yourself a college student. It allows a quicker way to check your grades, check on due dates, and receive class announcements.
If you don't have Outlook to check your university/college email then you're losing out. So many people miss important emails because of this. Just download the app and check it every now and then. Emails become so important as we get older.
While a class GroupMe is technically against the Academic Honor Policy, I'm sure the majority of us have been in a class GroupMe here and there. It's an easy way to see what you missed if you skipped class or set up some study sessions.
Venmo is a great app whether or not you're a college student. It's a great way to pay people back or split bills/items. You can initiate a transfer to your bank account for free (takes up to three days) or pay a fee to get it into your account immediately. It's a great way to pay people that you owe or have people pay you back, especially since not too many people carry cash. With Venmo, you can also do it remotely, which is part of its appeal. Venmo even offers a Venmo Card now that allows you to use a physical card that uses the money you have in your account.
Cash App
Cash App is similar to Venmo. They have many of the same functions. For most people, it's just a preference of one of the two.
Apple Music
If you're a college student, you can get a nice student discount with Apple Music. You get a free three-month trial and then you're charged $4.99 a month! You have to verify your account through Unidays which is even better because Unidays has its fair share of deals and savings too!
Spotify is another music app that allows you to enroll with a student discount. You honestly get a lot more with Spotify because they usually house a $4.99 deal for Spotify, Hulu, and Showtime! You also receive a free three-month free trial as well!