Have you ever not tried something because just the thought of doing it made you uncomfortable? Just thinking and imagining yourself committing the act already makes you uneasy. So why even bother? Well, because it actually makes you better.
It’s really easy for us to sink into our comfort zone once we find it. It could be the circle of close friends that we made freshman year, playing sports every night at the gym, eating a certain type of food and not trying other types, and many more. But just like food, how would we know what isn’t good if we aren’t trying every single dish out there? How would we have come to like the foods we like now if we had never tried it in the first place? Comfort is safe. Getting “the usual” is safe. Not taking the leap because we’re okay standing in one place is safe.
I’m here to tell you to try every food there is out there. Just take a bite of what life has to offer. There are so many opportunities and open doors out there, unexplored. If only we could muster the strength to walk up to the table and order something new from life. Talk to new people at an event. Try a new sport despite what you think about your ability. Talk to that boy or girl that you think is out of your league. Take that elective that has nothing to do with your major. Try a new hobby by yourself. Explore the city you live in and fully immerse yourself in it. Do things that you think you would have never done. If you feel like your life is a routine, I’m telling you this is the best time to mix it up.
I am where I am today because of my want and desire to continue exploring what makes me uncomfortable. I changed my major two times in college, and now I found a job I love. I studied abroad across the world with the fear of being alone and made great friends that I will see again very soon. I took a leap and joined a fraternity my senior year, and now I am the president and working my hardest to advance it. I picked up photography, joined a fashion publication by myself and now I’m attending Austin Fashion Week while also working on my own publication. The list goes on and on. I truly believe that lack of comfort pushes you to grow as a person. It makes you stronger every step you take – no matter how big. You never really know what you can truly achieve until you struggle.
So, you know what? Go ahead and take that risk. The worst thing that could happen is you end up exactly where you thought you would have from the beginning – square one, not moving. If the little voice inside your head tells you to just avoid the items you don’t know on the menu, ignore it. Try and order that dish that makes you uncomfortable. Take on life with the mentality that you can accomplish anything, and you will do just that. Try something new and tell me how it went. It will be fine.
I promise you.