The Eric Andre Show: A Review | The Odyssey Online
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The Eric Andre Show: A Review

Yeah..., you might not want to show your grandmother this show.

The Eric Andre Show: A Review

I think it is fair to say I spent my summer the same way most people around my age did: working, sleeping and watching “The Eric Andre Show”. For those who are unaware of “The Eric Andre Show”, it is a “talk show” that has been on air for four seasons on Adult Swim. On this “talk show” Eric Andre performs celebrity interviews with his sidekick and fellow comedian, Hannibal Buress. They also perform little skits and have musical guests on their “talk show”. Now, if you’re wondering why I keep putting the word “talk show” in quotation marks, it’s because “The Eric Andre Show” is the complete opposite of your traditional talk show. On your traditional talk show guests are happy to be there and enjoy their time on the show. On “The Eric Andre Show” most guests are fearing for their lives.

Eric Andre and Chance The Rapper

What makes “The Eric Andre Show” so great is that it is a parody of your traditional talk show. Like every other talk show “The Eric Andre Show” has an intro. The only thing is, instead of Jimmy Fallon running through New York City like on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon”, “The Eric Andre Show” features Eric Andre going nuts and destroying his set. Andre crashes through the curtain, knocks out the drummer, destroys his desk (unless it turns into a giant “desk monster” and attacks him like it did in one intro). Then, after completely demolishing his set, Andre sits himself in his chair, panting, just to have his set come back together in front of his eyes. Instead of appearing eager to perform his monologue Andre is usually forced into it by Buress, and always tells foul and awful jokes. Instead of having fun and promoting their new work, guests on “The Eric Andre Show” are usually cowering in fear from being only a few steps away from being assaulted. Most guests have no idea what “The Eric Andre Show” is. Their agents just send them thinking it’s your standard, run of the mill talk show. On the show, Jimmy Kimmel got his a--hole tickled while sitting in a chair, and Krysten Ritter was shown the graphically disturbing video “Two Girls, One Cup”, being told by Andre seconds before that it is a scene from her new movie. Similar to Kimmel, Andre has little bits that he does out in the street, except he either physically harms himself, physically harms others or gets physically harmed by others (but don’t worry no one really gets hurt...I think). Andre even has his own iconic bits, like Kimmel’s “Lie-witness News” and Fallon’s “Thank you notes”. Andre’s are the ironically bad “Bird Up”, where he goes around in a green morph suit with a bird on his shoulder, getting extremely close to people on the street and performing lewd acts on them. Andre also has his iconic “Legalize Ranch” bit, where he goes around in a tight neon green shirt, acting like a “frat bro”, downing a bottle of ranch dressing, wanting to "legalize ranch" like many others want to legalize marijuana. Andre even has pretty big musical guests, except you never get to see them perform due to some new bit/ dilemma.

Eric Andre destroying his set

So, yeah, “The Eric Andre Show” is nowhere close to being your traditional talk show. However, due to it’s fantastically hilarious approach to parodying a traditional talk show, and it’s amazing approach to ironically bad jokes and shock value, “The Eric Andre Show” has gathered a large cult following. Over the summer Andre was the star of the viral video “Eric at RNC”. In this video Andre parodies a news reporter and goes around the convention floor asking questions that he knows are going to get him in trouble. For example, Andre goes up to a woman and says “Are you ‘Auntie Abortion?’ Cause I’m Uncle Abortion. How about I knock you up and we get rid of the dang thing.” As you can probably guess things didn’t blow over so well for Andre. Besides almost getting attacked, Andre got his pass revoked for the Democratic National Convention. However, that didn’t stop him, cause soon after the convention the “Adult Swim” youtube channel released the video “Eric near the DNC.” Besides the hilarious videos of him at these political events, Andre is the star of the internet sensation “Legalize Ranch”. As previously stated “Legalize Ranch” is a bit on his show, where Andre goes around parodying the movement “Legalize Marijuana”, but instead he wants to legalize ranch dressing. In different spots around the country “Ranch Dispensaries” have been opening up. Even in my dorm building one of the rooms has a “Legalize Ranch” sticker on the door.

So, as you can probably tell by reading this article, “The Eric Andre Show” isn’t for everybody. However, if you have a dark and twisted sense of humor like me, and apparently many others, I definitely recommend giving the show a watch. You can find numerous clips on the “Adult Swim” youtube page, or watch full episodes on “Adult Swim’s” website and Hulu.
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