In one of my classes this semester, I am partaking in a community-based learning project at the local Salvation Army, working with local school aged children to teach them about civics and government. This project has caused me to stop and think, is America really the land of equal opportunity?
We like to claim we are a land of equality, but it seems that it is easier for certain people to receive or gain opportunities more easily then others. It seems the real determining factor in the opportunity one receives is their socioeconomic background. A person who is from a more affluent background will most likely attend a school that has more diverse educational programs and opportunities for sports and the arts. A person who lives in a more poverty stricken area may have less of these opportunities. Higher education opportunities also seem to be dependent on socioeconomic backgrounds. It is much easier for someone with money to go to college than it is for someone who doesn't. Scholarships are available, but they often depend on the activities, sports, and academic rigor of your high school, which is clearly not available to all. I would like to believe that hard work can get you anywhere in life, but sometimes, it just can't. Sometimes you need that extra help or opportunity.
I would honestly love to believe that there is equal opportunity for all, but after being exposed to poverty and an inner city area, there clearly is not. These kids have so much potential, but it seems that all too often in America, where you came from can define just how far you will go.
I realize just how nice I have had it my entire life. I lived in a safe, small town, went to a great school that had a lot of academic opportunities, was able to play sports, join theater, and pick up hobbies like skiing and gymnastics. A lot of these opportunities were only possible because my family could afford them. Sports teams required endless amounts of gear and equipment; singing required lessons; everything required something extra that in turn would cost extra financially. I was fortunate enough to have those chances in life which opened the door for bigger opportunities like scholarships, college, and study abroad. Did I work hard for the grades that would get me into my dream school? Yes. I never would have been able to attend without the financial help of my parents and scholarships. Many people are not so lucky.
Up until now, I had never even thought about this issue, but honestly it is so important. Why should the amount of money you have or where you come from determine what you can do in life? Maybe it's time that America thinks about taking action to make our country a true land of equal opportunity for all.