The Office, one of the greatest television shows of our time. This series blessed us with Steve Carell, the love story of Jim and Pam, and an endless amount of iconic quotes. While I highly recommend just binging this show right now, if you are looking for just the highlights, here's a quick list of the best episode in every season.
Season 1- Diversity Day
“Abraham Lincoln once said, ‘if you are a racist, I will attack you with the North.’”
Season one was a little rough around the edges since the show was mainly just a word for word copy of its British predecessor. (Also Michael’s hair is just…) However, this episode showcases very early Michael’s lack of self-awareness, which continued to keep us laughing for seasons to come.
Season 2- Casino Night
“Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.”
Season 2 is when the show finally found itself, and this may be one of the funniest seasons because of it. However, Casino Night, the season finale, takes the cake. Not only does this episode have one of the best Michael and Toby exchanges the show has ever given us, but it is also the episode where Jim finally professes his love to Pam and crushed our hearts. In a matter of minutes, audiences went from yelling “FINALLY!” to “PAM YOU IDIOT” to “OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!”
Season 3-Saftey Training
This season was a particularly difficult one to choose since every episode is pretty much golden. However, when it came to decision time, this one stood out for one simple reason. Dwight, you ignorant slut.
Season 4- Dinner Party
“You have no idea the physical toll, that three vasectomies have on a person!”
This was also a difficult season since we have gem such as, “Fun Run” and “Night Out”. However, not only is this the best episode of the season, it might also be the best episode of the series. It is just so uncomfortable and every single scene has you laughing out loud. From Hunter’s beautiful ballad being played on repeat, to Michael’s 200 dollar plasma screen TV, and Jan just smelling all of her candles. I could watch this episode on a loop for the rest of my life and laugh every time.
Season 5- Stress Relief Part 1 and 2
No no no no you will not die! Stanley! Stanley you will not die! Stanley! Stanley! Barack is president! You are black Stanley!
This may be cheating since it’s technically two episodes, but they are both too good not to include. With part one we have probably one of the two greatest sequences this show has ever graced us with. The first being Dwight simulating a fake fire. Angela throwing her cat into the ceiling only to have it fall through may be one of the best bits of physical comedy I have ever seen. And of course, the CPR scene when the whole office starts singing “Staying Alive”. I saw that clip on my Facebook feed one day and it is honestly what made me start watching the show in the first place. And then of course, the second episode we have Michael’s roast ceremony that he just wasn’t ready to handle. BOOM ROASTED.
Season 6- Scotts Tots
Hey Mister Scott, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do make our dreams come true! Hey Mister Scott, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do make our dreams come true!
One of the reasons The Office is so funny is because of how awkward it is. And this has to be the most cringe-worthy piece of television I have ever seen. Michael promises to pay the college tuition to a group of third graders. And now those third graders are about to graduate high school, and well, Michael is coming up short. Watching him tell his hopeful group of Scotts Tots that he isn’t paying their tuition and instead gives them laptop batteries might be one of the worst things he’s ever done. Yet still so funny.
Season 7-Goodbye, Michael
“It’s gonna feel so good getting this thing off my chest”
If you want a good cry, this is the episode to watch. It’s Michael’s last episode, and while with his departure the quality of the show may have gone down, you have to appreciate Michael’s character development. It is the first time we see Michael not wanting to make everything about himself, and how he is finally content with where his life is going. It’s also a treat seeing the actor’s true emotions shine through as they say their heartfelt goodbyes to the costar.
Season 8- Garden Party
This was of Jim’s funnier pranks on Dwight, where he writes a whole book just to get Dwight to throw a terrible garden party. And the results are splendid.
Season 9- Finale
“I feel like all of my kids grew up and married each other. It’s every parent's dream.”
I mean come on, this was a perfect end to a perfect show. Everyone got a satisfying ending and we were blessed with one last Michael appearance. Also his last “That’s what she said” may have made me cry. So sue me.