Environmental Education | The Odyssey Online
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Environmental Education

Environmental education is aimed at children and teenagers understand the importance of preserving our ecosystem, as part of a treasure that we have been given but not ours.

Environmental Education

In 1970, and of several movements that focused on environmental protection, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) decided to join forces and currents of opinion to establish the official definition of what is known as education environmental, and that is: "The process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts to create skills and attitudes needed tending to understand and appreciate the interrelationship between man, culture and the surrounding biophysical environment. The EA also includes the practice of making decisions and formulating a code of behavior about issues concerning environmental quality. "
Children must learn that nature is all.
What does it all mean? What results? Basically, the need for all human beings learn and pass on to our children a message of responsibility towards nature. This, of course, helping the various tools at our disposal education. And is that our behavior can modify the environment: for better or for worse. If concienciamos us, we take care and preserve what we give to our children and grandchildren the best gift I could leave, that is life. If, however, we are selfish individuals, future generations will have to deal with the shortage of resources and a declining ecosystem. One person does not change anything, you think. Right … that's why we talk about environmental education. A discipline that can help many men and women become aware through principles inculcated in childhood.
So, the best thing for our planet is that young people soon begin to embrace the values, skills and willingness to act towards solving current and future problems, they the objectives of environmental education worldwide are:
Capacity Assessment

At this point, the role of parents and educators is essential What can they do to make their bit for the environment? Awareness and education, starting with the little things and the big ending. Since the importance of not throwing a paper to the ground to implement the highest of the three R. That is: reduce, recycle, reuse. Implement the benefits of life in nature, knowledge and respect for all species, both animal and plant and promote tolerance. Throwing papers while making essay draft causes such a significant demage, therefore to save your time and planet, ask Tutoriage for critical analytical essay. Report of the negative consequences of our actions. Ultimately, creating responsible citizens. That tomorrow the world better depends largely on it.

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