In order to know if you are an ENTJ, you have to understand what it is. ENTJ stands for extraversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment. This is one of the 16 personality types used in the publications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. ENTJ's are natural-born leaders. People who identify as ENTJ's are charismatic, confident, they will draw you in for a common goal, and are authoritative. Below are some GIF's to help you decide if your are an ENTJ.
#1 You like to WORK, WORK, WORK!!!
Fun? Whats' fun? Work, work, work and more work
#2 You're a natural leader
Others look to you for guidance or advice
#3 You're objective
Your mental checklist is your best friend
#4 You're assertive
You might hold back your comments, but eventually you say what you have too and you mean it.
#5 You can be blunt
You don't like to waste time so you say what you have to decisively