5 Entertainment Articles You Missed From The Week Of February 2 | The Odyssey Online
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5 Entertainment Articles You Missed From The Week Of February 2

A weekly roundup of Odyssey's Entertainment section.

5 Entertainment Articles You Missed From The Week Of February 2

This week was full of Oscar snub drama, celebrity announcements, and swooning over Taylor Swift's "Miss Americana" documentary.

Are you a little behind with everything that went down in the A-Lister world? Well, ICYMI, these five stories will catch you up with the latest!

'Miss Americana' Will DEFINITELY Change Your Opinion On Taylor Swift If You Aren't A Fan

By: Emily Daniels

"To the people who say that they like the "old" Taylor better, this one is for you."

This 2020 Oscars Ballot Is Everything You Need To Track Your Predictions

By: Marisa DiPaolo

"Now that Oscars Sunday is finally here, it's time to finalize your predictions with our printable 2020 Academy Awards ballot."

The Ultimate Oscars Drinking Game That Will Have You Drunk Before The First Acceptance Speech

By: Olivia Kappler

"Pour one out for Greta Gerwig because she DESERVED a nomination for "Little Women.""

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Student Life

5 GIFs That All College Students Can Relate To

Trust me: If you're a college student, you would want to read this...

college calculator
Flickr Creative Commons

Oh college, lovely, lovely college. A four-year time span that is filled with many highs and many lows. Between procrastinating on an essay that is due at midnight to getting your first library card (if you know what I mean), college is a time that you should not take for granted, yet it is also a time where you feel like your entire world is falling apart. It is a time where one day you can feel like you are on top of the world and then the next day you are 500 feet below the ground surface.

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12 Festive Ways To Decompress After Finals

When you need to get rid of your leftover stress but also be in the Christmas spirit.


So you're finally finished with your semester and you really need to decompress from it, but you're also feeling the time crunch because Christmas is like ten days away and you haven't even gotten to do anything fun and festive yet. No worries! Fortunately, there are several festive things you can do to help put the stress far behind you. You can also make some of your usual favorite things to do Christmasy. Basically, you're winning.

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5 Benefits Of Learning Different Languages

It's a pain to learn but it's definitely worth it in the end.

learning different languages

When I was learning how to talk, I was taught both Portuguese and English at the same time. In elementary school, I started taking mandatory Spanish classes, which I did well in because of my knowledge of Portuguese. Then in high school, on top of taking Spanish, I also started taking French. Now, in college, already fluent in English and Portuguese, I'm in the process of becoming fluent in Spanish, and I have a standard high school level understanding of French.

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disney dinner

I am without a doubt one of those people who refuses to start decorating for Christmas or listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving has become an underrated holiday over the years. You barely see any Thanksgiving decorations in stores; it's like they skip right from Halloween to Christmas.

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8 Things To Do To Keep You Occupied During Thanksgiving Break

Nothing says "Thanksgiving break" like never changing into real clothes all day.

8 Things To Do To Keep You Occupied During Thanksgiving Break

Some universities only get two or three days off for Thanksgiving break. Or, if your university is like mine, you get the whole week off go go home. A whole week off is a long time. I'm not complaining, because I'd rather have a whole week off than three days, but there is a lot of down time. Here are some ideas as to what you can do to get the most out of your Thanksgiving break.

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