If you're lost and don't know which direction to turn next, you're not alone.
For the longest time, I thought that I needed to have my life together after high school. Immediately as I graduated, I thought that I had to have my career in mind, know where I was going for college, and what I'd be majoring in. I knew I needed to know what path to go down and to have a goal in mind that I'd strive for as soon as I walked across the stage with that high school diploma. The world was mine at my grip.
About three years later, I'm the most unsure of my life and my plans for myself that I've ever been. I've changed my major and minor five times since my freshman year of college, dropped a minor, and haven't done well in some of my classes. I've considered giving up and working a full-time job for the rest of my life without ever getting a degree.
The thing about that is that not everyone needs to go to college straight out of high school. Some people are destined for certain things to happen to them and are destined for opportunities that come after them for them to accept. It could be a number of things and choices to make, but eventually, we get there. We need to go and find where we belong at our own pace.
Don't start to panic because you're unsure of what you want to do right here and right now.
The world will not end and your life will not end if you don't know what's going on or what you really want.
Making a decision about your life and the meaning of it is a very difficult thing to have to do. It's a really big choice to make and one that is probably going to change throughout one's lifetime. Change is okay and so is changing one's choices that they've made. It's okay to look back onto something and regret the choice that was made, but in reality, there isn't anything that we can do to change the past.
As a 21 and-a-half-year-old female in an undergraduate college program, I know for sure now that I want to graduate with my Bachelor of Science degree. When I will finally do that is still up in the air. I've got a time in mind when I'd like to, but things happen and life gets in the way of things. If I don't necessarily graduate when I want to, then that's okay and it's out of my control anyway.
Things that we can't change are inevitable and are a common occurrence in everyday lives. We run into things that we know we can't do anything to change the outcome, so we have to learn to live with it.
The bottom line is, knowing every detail of your life isn't necessary. I was always told that I needed to pick which direction I want to go, and immediately follow through, and in full. That's something I definitely haven't done since I keep changing majors and also have moved a ton, and have a job (sometimes two) outside of classes. It's a struggle to keep it real, but it's doable. I've had to sacrifice certain things in order to get where I am now, but that's the battle of life. When making a choice, we're favoring one thing while turning another thing away. We know consciously what choices we want to make, so I say follow through on it and don't second guess it. Our gut is a very powerful tool as well as our intuition. With those, we can make good and better decisions than most have or will.
Don't keep worrying about having your life together in one piece; in reality, my puzzle pieces are very scattered right now, and it might take longer for me than someone else to find them all and piece my life together.