I tell this story because it is a module of joining and exiting a conversation. We can listen, analyze, describe, join, continue, and end conversations. As humans it is normal for us to. The awesome part about conversing is that not all conversations are verbal. Conversations can be nonverbal. Verbal communication is conversing between people through spoken words. Nonverbal communication is conversing between people through body language.
From the beginning my friends and I had a closed communication. I say closed as in inclusive. Then when my guy friends came over, they wanted to us to invite them to our conversation… least I thought. Turn out we opened ourselves to the guy’s conversation. We wanted to listen and conclude the information we were receiving from them. The boys then gave us a nonverbal indication of stale facing to let us know they are no longer interested in engaging the conversation with us. I also notice from analyzing the conversation before and after the boy came was the comfort in knowing each other. I say this for when my girlfriends and I not reacting aggressively when the boys gave an unbothered look. If they happened to do that to some random girls, the girls would’ve confront them about their rudeness. But since we genuinely all know each other, it was so easy for us to brush it off. Also, it was not serious at all because my guy friend wouldn’t have asked me if his friend could sit with us if he felt that we were threatened by them. The atmosphere of the conversation before the boys came was more than comfortable. When the boys came over, it made the atmosphere comfortable, yet I had to bear in mind the conversations my girls and I were having. I say this because when we are around people that we trust and can truly be ourselves, the more open we are to share information. On the contrary, I have my guy friends but I am not as close to them than my girl friends. In Addition to that, what boys like to converse and engage in (like football) may not interest me. Going back to the conformity of conversations, the new boy who came over with athletic attire with sweat dripping from his face. From that point on it was just an awkward experience.
The conversations we have everyday can have little to lot of understanding and conformation. For myself, the conversations I have varies with different people. The level of openness can shape, progress, and digress the conversation. Also physical appearance can play a part in conversations. Physical appearance and body language is very underlined (something we forget to mention) in joining conversations because it can also depict the levels of openness and conformity. My sundays are still the same: get breakfast, sit at the fourth booth to the right, and talk until our food gets cold. But, if I have a chance to join and challenge the openness of a conversation I would take full advantage of it. Who knows, I just may change the routine.