Hello World! Okay so its December which is the time for finals, holiday Starbucks drinks and the Holidays. So as everyone knows there's Hanukkah for the Jews, Christmas for the Christians and then Kwanzaa for African Americans who celebrate it. I'm Jewish and I celebrate Hanukkah. Growing up nobody knew about my holiday in school and I would see Christmas decorations and barely any Hanukkah or Kwanzaa decorations. Yet if you bring something up about celebrating everyone's holiday equally, it's like WWIII with Christmas sweaters.
I took Religion and American Politics this semester and we discussed this topic on the War on Christmas. Everyone in the United States is allowed to celebrate their own holiday in their own way and according to the Free Exercise Clause any open public area has to have the holidays equally represented. The United States does not have an official religion and according to the Establishment Clause they can't be biased against a religion. Hanukkah has been around for thousands of years and yet if I'm not allowed to put up a Happy Hanukkah sign in my office because, "There isn't a sign saying Merry Christmas." I'm sorry but get over it!! Christmas is the most widely celebrated holiday in the world so why are do people get so offend if we want equal representation of the minority holidays.
When you go to pretty much any store in the month of December you will see all the Christmas decorations and sweaters galore. If you're lucky you may be able to find that small section with a menorah, dredals and some candles. One of my sorority sisters had to go to six yes I repeat SIX different stores in order to find a Hanukkah sweater and this is in Boca Raton. Imagine how hard it is for people celebrating Kwanzaa which doesn't even have a tiny section in most stores on their holiday, you would think that would be unfair right? Well to the minority it is but we don't correct people when they wish us a Merry Christmas by saying, "I celebrate Hanukkah."
The point of this article isn't to offend anyone but it is very tiresome to hear people who have the largest religious holiday complain that their holiday isn't being represented fairly. So this holiday season educate yourself on the different holidays and let's represent everyone's holiday.