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Health and Wellness

Self-Care Tips For Each Of The 9 Enneagram Types

All in all, love yourself in order to meet the specialized needs of your own individual mind, heart and soul.

Self-Care Tips For Each Of The 9 Enneagram Types

I've loved the Enneagram ever since I was introduced to it because I believe it does a great job of psychoanalyzing human behavior to categorize people into a certain "type" of person without actually boxing anyone into a stereotype or box.

Every type can always be applied differently to any specific individual, and for me, it's just helped with understanding how to help and love the people around me more accurately and abundantly. This is my second Enneagram related article, and I'm so eager to not only address my type, 2-- but to address the special and lovely quirks of each of the 9 types as a whole!

In this DIY, if you will, I will give a brief outline of each of the 9 Types, and pinpoint the "DOs" & "DON'Ts" for each type to grow to their greatest health potential.

Before I begin, a HUGE shoutout to Sleeping At Last (links to the respective Enneagram songs are included in each of the listicles), the Instagram account: enneagramandcoffee, and to all of my loved ones who identify as any of the 9 types!! All of them have given me so much artistic and human inspiration to grow off of. :)

With all of those lovely things being said, here is my little "self-care guide" for all of the 9 Enneagram Types!

1. The Reformer



Enneagram Type 1's are known for being very ethical, righteous, rational, perfectionistic, and rational. Their basic desire is is to be known as good with a sense of integrity, and their basic fear is being corrupt/evil. They're basically heroes.


If you are an Enneagram Type 1, DO:

-Realize that the entire success or failure of the world is not up to you.

-Release expectations of others to change in your favor.

-Get (occasionally) messy!


If you are an Enneagram Type 1, DON'T:

-Over criticize yourself.

-Let anger of offensiveness overtake you.

-Try to fix everything wrong with the universe all at once.

2. The Helper



Being a Type 2 myself, I can say for a fact that we are known to be extremely loving, empathetic, caring, generous, selfless, and giving. Our basic desire is to be loved, and our basic fear is being stripped of that love we so ferociously seek out. We're essentially human-love-fairies. We also have a tendency to carry more empathy in our pinky fingers than the average person does in their entire body. ;)

If you are an Enneagram Type 2, DO:

-Address. Your own. Needs. First. You will NOT be able to give everyone the love & care that you super want to give them if you are not first giving yourself that TLC!!!

-Learn to say no. Not everybody's problems and feelings need to be healed via you.

-Let people love & help you in return!!


If you are an Enneagram Type 2, DON'T:

-Assume what is best for other's before asking them what they feel they need first.

-Overextend yourself by trying to help everyone all at once.

-Keep loving & giving to people who have proven that they will not give to you in return.

3. The Achiever



Type 3's are the winners: known for being success oriented, adaptive, excelling, driving, determined, and full of grit for the game. Their basic desire is to feel of high value, and their basic fear is being worthless. They are the ones that like to own the big trophy at the end of it all.

If you are an Enneagram Type 3, DO:

-Take breaks

-Develop meaningful connections

-Be socially aware of raising others in addition to yourself!


If you are an Enneagram Type 3, DON'T:

-Try to impress others constantly.

-Inflate your importance in from an egotistical stance.

-Over exhaust yourself by taking on too many projects.

4. The Individualist



Ah, yes: Type 4. Ye who doth not want to be typed. Dramatic and altogether mysterious, type 4's are most known for being sensitive, withdrawn, artistic, and impulsive. Their basic desire is to find their personal significance in the world, and their basic fear is being meaningless or having no identity. They're sort of like human chameleons. Most of them would also prefer to live in trees if they could. ;)

If you are an Enneagram Type 4, DO:

-Put yourself in the way of good things!

-Find healthy balance between self control and indulgence.

-Commit yourself to productive actions that mean something to you.


If you are an Enneagram Type 4, DON'T:

-Pay OOBER attention to your feeeeelings.

-Spend too much time in your imagination.

-Put things off until you're in the "right" mood.

5. The Investigator



Type 5's are most known for being intense, perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated. The 5's that I know tend to be at least slightly introverted and very observant. Their basic desire is to be competent, and their basic fear is being useless. They are the all seeing eye.

If you are an Enneagram Type 5, DO:

-Connect yourself with the present moment!

-Sublimate some of your nervous energy with healthy exercises.

-Enrich your relationships to make yourself more accessible.


If you are an Enneagram Type 5, DON'T:

-Let your overthinking sweep you to another universe that I like to call "brain explosion".

-Shut yourself out to the world.

-Get intensely involved with things that do not serve you.

6.The Loyalist



Type 6's are committed, responsible, cautious and security oriented. They are sometimes more prone to being anxy-anxious people. Their basic desire is to have security, and their basic fear is being abandoned. Type 6's are your cuddly teddy bear & mom friend.

If you are an Enneagram Type 6, DO:

-Learn to accept your anxiety (if you have it) !!

-Open yourself up to the possibility of trust

-Practice the self affirmative thought that not everyone is out to get you. :)


If you are an Enneagram Type 6, DON'T:

-Overreact or highly consider the worst in every situation.

-Let your fear swallow you whole.

-Project your feelings or suspicions onto others.

7. The Enthusiast



For Enneagram Type 7's, everything is an adventure. Their basic desire is to be satisfied with life, and their basic fear is being deprived or in need. Known for being busy, fun loving, spontaneous, versatile, and easily distractible-- Type 7's are our hitchhikers traveling the in's and out's of the world.

If you are an Enneagram Type 7, DO:

-Find a balance between exploring your impulses and maintaining a sense of self control.

-Choose quality over quantity!

-Learn to listen to appreciate moments of silence & solitude.


If you are an Enneagram Type 7, DON'T:

-Feel that you need to do everything on this Earth RIGHT NOW.

-Anxiously anticipate future experiences.

-Do things that you know are very risky or potentially harmful to you.

8. The Challenger



Know a leader? They might very well be an Enneagram Type 8's are commonly known as being powerful, dominating, self confident, decisive, prepared, and skilled conversationalists.Their basic desire is being in control of their own lives, and their basic fear is being controlled by others. If you ever need anyone up for a typically uncomfortable confrontation or tough decision, 8's are your guys & gals.

If you are an Enneagram Type 8, DO:

-Practice self restraint!

-Let people make their own life decisions

-Learn to let other leader's take the steering wheel every once in a blue moon.


If you are an Enneagram Type 8, DON'T:

-Alienate yourself.

-Think that the whole world is against you.

-Overvalue power.

9. The Peacemaker

*An Enneagram song has yet to be released for Type 9*


Ah, the unity of calmness. Type 9's, known for their peace spreading aura, are typically seen as easygoing, complacent, agreeable, and reaffirming. Their basic desire is to have "peace" of mind, and their basic fear is feeling tumultuous or disconnected.Type 9's may be the most likely to need the confrontational help from the Type 8's. ;)

If you are an Enneagram Type 9, DO:

-Examine if your complacency is respectful to yourself and others.

-Become aware of your feelings and confront them, so that you can create lasting peace.

-Exercise to become more aware of your body! :)


If you are an Enneagram Type 9, DON'T:

-Neglect to regard your own contributions to relationship problems.

-Be a bystander. (especially if you want lasting peace!!)

-Let people walk all over you.

As always, additional and scientifically correct information can be found here: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-descriptions/ <-- where you can also take the test!!

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