It’s that time of year again: school. Some people cannot wait to go back, while others are dreading every part of it. As I was packing up my stuff for college and moving back in, I was filled with lots of emotions: excited to see what the year has to bring, but also sad because I love the carefree feel of summer and being home with my family. I am one of those people that does not like change or new beginnings -- I never have. So, to be honest, it is always a struggle going back to college for me.
As I was packing up my stuff, I felt God tugging on my heart and telling me, “Sydney, it’s time to enjoy every season of life.” Wow. Such a simple sentence, but it really hit me hard. I realized that I was dreading things that shouldn’t be dreaded. I was thinking of all the negatives of summer coming to an end and school beginning instead of looking at it with a positive spin. I think sometimes we as humans get in a funk and only look forward to the next break or big event when, in reality, we should be enjoying every season of life -- even the dull and boring parts.
There is always something to enjoy in every season of life. Even though sometimes it’s easier to enjoy the summer when life is carefree with no homework, there is a lot to enjoy during the school year too. Enjoy time with your friends and family, in your sports or other activities, your favorite meals, or even just enjoy the fact that you can get up and do life that day.
Sometimes it’s hard to enjoy every season of life because bad things do happen. Tests don’t go as well as you planned, you lose a sporting event, a relative passes away, you get in a fight with a friend. Bad things are bound to happen; unfortunately that is life. I dealt with two deaths last year. One in particular was very, very hard for me, and it was hard for me to enjoy that season of life. It made coming back to school very hard on me as I had no motivation to do school work or hang out and connect with friends. But just remember that God is faithful and He will help you find the good in every season. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and God will give you the strength during those hard times. Change is normal in life. We need to learn to embrace the change and find the good in all changing situations, even when it is not easy.
As we enter a new school year or a new season of our jobs, remember to enjoy the journey of every season and make the most out of this life you were given. Life is way more fun and enjoyable when you take time to look at the positives, reflect on the good parts of your day, and enjoy every season of life. It’s time to find joy instead of negativity in the continual seasons of change.