Whatever day comes around, you know that tomorrow will begin anew. As for me, every day I feel that it's always a normal day wherever I am, but the next day will always be better or the same depending on everybody else's day. Either they have a good day or a bad day. It all depends on what their motivation and determination is that makes their day good or bad, but what they have to remember is that they need to enjoy the little things.
Because after each year, whoever you are, depending on your life, if you have a job or whatever you did back when you were a kid or young then just remember the simplest times during preschool or kindergarten when you make the first friends you don't know if you will stick with them throughout your life but wait 'till 1st grade or 2nd grade once it hits then you know that those times will come until high school is over when the best friends go their separate ways.
It's always good when 9-12th grade of high school comes because you get to enjoy every moment of it with your best friends and also the after school memories as well so enjoy it during high school because it will be hard leaving your best friends and leaving them and won't see them till the holidays. When it comes to college it's like high school but it's the best four years of your life so enjoy every moment of it because if you don't you are gonna regret every moment of it each day.
So overall enjoy every day in your life either in college, high school or your job because you won't know where those days will lead up to.