My life is not without enigma
I often wonder if perhaps it would be easier decoded
But decoded would it be half the fun?
Awash with this enigma
I tend to walk alone
For fear that the inevitable unknown
Will somehow force me to trade my pride
For a happier uncertainty.
But with this uncertainty comes the thrill
The thrill of the pull I feel towards fate
The thrill of not knowing where that pull will take me
Forcing me to live for another day
So that I may uncover whatever fate has in store.
I carve my mark on this world
On the lives of others
This mark that says I shall not die
Not now, not yet
So that no matter how hard my enemies may try
I cannot be so easily killed.
This mark that I leave coincides with uncertainty
This mark that I leave coincides with what must be decoded
This mark - it keeps me grounded
My impact - it keeps me grounded.
Despite uncertainty going forward
Only going forward will I ever be happy
Without much of a past to be proud of
And with the thrill of fate looming overhead
I move forth.