I changed my major to English at the beginning of my sophomore year and I absolutely love it, but at the same time, I hate it. I don't hate it in the way of wanting to drop out and quit, but in the way that I always always ALWAYS have something to read. I spend my down time reading for class and I spend homework time reading for class. It's a never ending cycle of reading.
I will bring my ginormous literature book with me almost everywhere I go. In between class I'm reading, before work in my car I'm reading, name a place and I am most likely reading there. I'm not by any means complaining about this, but I'm simply informing you as to what goes on in my life.
I love the way that literature is written, and the stories that authors used to come up with, but if I could have one day where I have nothing at all to read, I would be amazed. There's the looming presence of my literature books on the side of my desk that are telling me to open them, but maybe I just want to watch Netflix for a few.
I believe that when people believe they are in the right major, they love the classes that they have, but the work can be overwhelming. I wouldn't want to do any other major, but that won't stop me from occasionally hating the homework I have to do for those classes.