Science, technology, engineering and mathematics, sounds stereotypically girly right? Well, that’s not the case.
I know what some of you are thinking, oh you’re an engineer you must be awkward and antisocial. But others are assuming that, oh you’re in a sorority you must be a basic college party girl.
No and no.
I may be an engineer but I consider myself to be normally social and only slightly awkward. Also, yes I am in a sorority but partying is definitely not a top priority of mine. I have skipped numerous socials because I had to study, finish homework or have an early class the next morning. That doesn’t mean I can’t put down the chemistry and calculus homework to let loose and have fun, but academics is always on top.
Why can’t girls be engineers? Why can’t engineers be in a sorority?
I ask these questions in instances like, when I told my 90-year-old grandmother I was going into engineering and she responded with “Oh sweetie, that’s a man’s job”. Well grandma, with all due respect, it is the 21st century and more and more women are entering STEM fields, and we should all be thrilled.
Women in the STEM fields should not be looked down on but severely encouraged. Men and women think differently and that is okay. Combining the two points of view, I think, is the most effective way to solve problems and I have seen this at work in some of my classes already.
As if women in engineering wasn’t uncommon enough, add to it that you are part of Greek life and to everyone else you seem to become a mythical creature. Being one of few girls in most classes means, the guys already look at you as a little odd but then they find out you’re in a sorority. That leads to them seeing you as a two-year-old than can’t handle a screwdriver much less help out in the workshop. I am smart and fully capable of cutting metal or doing any of the work that needs to be done. I am not too weak or delicate to be an engineer.
For me being constantly surrounded by guys, made me want to join a sorority. I wanted a solid group of women around for support, encouragement and yes, sisterhood. In my sorority no one thinks it is weird that I am a STEM major, they think it is great that we are reaching out to all parts of our campus. As a whole we are proud to have a diverse group of ladies, our differences make us appreciate one another’s talents. Having so much support and encouragement from my sorority, makes me proud and empowered to be a woman in the sciences and helps me to inspire and embolden rising college girls to be in the STEM field as well.
If we could just drop the stereotypes that engineers are weird and that sorority girls are only here to party, that would be okay with me.