Engagement with your campus is crucial to your life in college, for most people. After graduating high school, I told myself that I wouldn't fall in love with Grand Valley and that I'm going to graduate in three years and jump straight into medical school. That whole sentence is untrue now. I'm not going to medical school anymore (well as of right now) and although I can graduate this summer, I've decided to graduate on time instead (lots of classes I really want to take). And certainly, I love this campus. Probably a little too much because I'm writing my first Odyssey article about it. But all this came from the fact that I decided to involve myself into many aspects of campus.
Seriously though. Getting involved with things that happen on campus have been the best decision I've made. It's made me feel more connected and if it weren't for this, I would probably have flunked out of college for feeling alone and unproductive. When people think about getting involved, joining a student organization comes into mind. That's actually going to be something I will talk about a lot but there are different types of organizations with different goals, and other lesser known ways to become involved. You should be able to find your niche somewhere in this list and begin feeling more connected. Trust me, it's a great feeling to find your home away from home.
1. Student Senate
It's election season and any student who wishes to run for Student Senate may pick up an election packet! Student Senate was solely formed to improve students' lives. This is an organization that does a variety of things, from addressing education at the university to managing the Student Life Fund, to inclusion and equity. Things the Student Senate has worked on is improving on campus dining, having laptop chargers available for checkout at the library, and voter registration.
If you do not wish to run for Senate, you are still able to stay involved! You may vote for up to 10 people and also participate in programs that Senate hosts, like Public Opinion Days.
Involvement with Senate is important because this is the avenue that students should take if they wish to make a change that involves administration.
2. On campus employment
Wait, what? Working on campus will make you feel connected? Yes it does. An on campus job will have you performing a service for the students directly or indirectly. Plus it helps pay for the groceries.
Jobs involve working at the gym, at the library, with facilities, and other areas. You will be enhancing students' lives and get paid for it. Plus, it's on campus so it'll be convenient for your travel because it's in close proximity to where most students live.
3. Attending events
We have over 450 student organizations on campus and quite a few of them put on regular events. These events include recreation and philanthropy. The university also puts on events themselves. Do you know what Sexy Accent Night is? Leadership Summit? Open Mic Night? Area 51? Keep an eye out on the events on the GVSU website and you'll find out what these events are and when they happen?
The importance of attending events is mostly for yourself. It gives you a break from the monotony of studying and routine things.
4. Campus programming
This involves student media, Laker Traditions, and Spotlight Productions. You're welcome to join any of these or to go out to their events! Most of them involve planning/volunteering for events that happen around campus normally. Laker Traditions plans 10 large events that happen on campus each year. Spotlight plans more regular events.
The events that these organizations plan cater to large numbers of students. If you wish to delve deep into student life, this is a good place to do it. Campus programming represents the center of all student life. You are also encouraged to attend the events as well and you'll meet a lot of cool people since many people attend these events!
5. Other student organizations
This is the obvious area that I talked about earlier but it's worth elaborating on. This involves special interest organizations, Greek life, cultural organizations, and performing arts. We have over 450 student organizations. If you don't find something you like, start your own!
This is also mainly for your own recreation and is worth joining because you'll meet different people who have the same hobbies as you.
To keep this short, I made this a general overview. I'm missing many different areas, like club sports, which a future article can be about. I could also write about Greek life in the future if I receive substantial feedback. Please give me feedback as this is my first article that I've written. Thanks!