Wedding bells are ringing, church choir is singing. But before tying down the knots, throw an engagement shindig, share the good news and celebrate your commitment with your families, close relatives and dear friends. Send unique engagement invitation cards adding your personal touch with your own engagement invitation wordings. The engagement invitation wordings may be casual or formal depending on the couple’s preference. This may also vary depending on who will be hosting the engagement party; this can be the Groom and Bride, the Groom and Bride’s parents or the Groom and Bride and their parents. Engagement invitation wordings may include a short poem, quotes from well-known individuals, and even Bible verses. Just keep in mind that it should be short and direct to the point. Avoid lengthy and ambiguous words.
Engagement Invitation Wordings
Engagement Invitation Wordings from the Couple’s Parents
Mr. and Mrs. (Groom’s Parents)
together with
Mr. and Mrs. (Bride’s Parents)
are proud to invite
(Guest Name)
to celebrate the engagement of their children
(Bride’s Name) and (groom to be(Groom’s Name)
on (Date)
at (Time)
dress code
(Contact details)
Engagement Invitation Wordings from the Couple and their Parents
Together with their parents
(Bride’s Name)
(Groom’s Name)
request the pleasure of the company of
(Guest Name)
at their engagement
at (Venue)
on (Date)
at (Time)
(Contact details)
Engagement Invitation Wordings from the Couple
(Bride’s Name)
(Groom’s Name)
request the pleasure of the company of
(Guest Name)
at their engagement party
on (Date)
at (Time)
(Venue address)
RSVP (Date)
(Contact details)
A short poem, verse or quotation that is meaningful for you may also be included. You could also use comedic lines to add humor and interest to your engagement invitation. Here are some samples of creative and fun engagement invitation wordings.
Engagement Invitation Wordings Sample 1
He popped the question. She said “Yes!”
Now it’s time to celebrate! Will you be our guest?
Join us for an Engagement Party
on September 15, 2010
Almond Hills Country Club
543 East Indies Avenue
North Beach Oregon
Engagement Invitation Wordings Sample 2
It started with a kiss, now it comes to this…
Come celebrate with us the engagement of Jenny and Mike
December 1, 2009, at 6 o’clock
Sea Crest, North Carolina
Engagement Invitation Wordings Sample 3
There’s a sparkle in her eyes and in her finger too.
She wants to share her excitement with you!
Let’s celebrate the night away!
Join us on
Bride and Groom ‘
Engagement Party
on the [Date]
Engagement Invitation Wordings Sample 4
He asked, “If she would be his brand new wife”.
She said “She sure could be his wife for life.”
Let’s toast and rejoice for the soon to be man and wife!
Bride and Groom ‘
Engagement Party
on the [Date]