Being an ENFP can be hard. Our extraverted ways make us outgoing and emotional, but we need much more time alone than other extraverts. We tend to exist externally and we're driven by our feelings and intuition, but we think deeply about many different subjects. We feel intensely and are unapologetic. ENFPs love the spotlight. Because of that, many of our favorite television characters are ENFPs. Here's what life is like as told by some of our favorite ENFPs.
1. We're not great at decision making.
Being the indecisive group that we are, ENFPs really struggle with choosing things. Of all the personality types, we're plagued by FOMO (fear of missing out) the most. We tend to feel stressed when deciding between different activities. Even small decisions like staying in or going out can cause us to overthink; we have an overwhelming desire to be everywhere at once.
2. We suck at making plans.
Most people would think that since making decisions causes so much apprehension that we would plan better and those people assume incorrectly. ENFPs struggle with planning things out because we never know exactly what we want to do or where we want to go. We feel overwhelmed and pressured by time constraints and detailed itineraries (much to the dismay of our over-planning friends).
3. We're less than practical.
Practicality is a skill that we ENFPs have yet to conquer. We struggle with turning our ideas into something tangible. ENFPs aren't the best at shining a light on things they don't want attention brought to. For that reason we work with people of other personality types to help us bring our ideas into fruition.
4. Having a great idea ... (and abandoning it 10 minutes later.)
Thanks to our creative and energetic minds, ENFPs are known for having amazing ideas. We have bursts of energy but lose fire quickly. Time to reorganize the closet? We'll get about 1/3 of the way done before we call it quits. Reading a long book? We read the first three chapters. Despite good intentions, things become boring very quickly.
5. People think we're flaky.
Because of the fiery ideas and the quick loss of energy, people tend to assume that ENFPs are flaky or even unintelligent. In reality, ENFPs are deep thinkers who sometimes have trouble putting their ideas into words. It's difficult not to be exhausted by our switch of topics and ideas.
6 We need more alone time than tther extroverts.
In general, ENFPs are energized by social interactions and enjoy spending time with others. However, we tend to need more alone time than most other extraverts. ENFPs need time to decompress. We need to be alone, but we need people to be nearby.
7. We love being the center of attention.
Common superlatives for ENFPs are "The Campaigner" and "The Life of the Party." We often exist well when we are in the spotlight. We're comfortable with attention and we often succeed in creative jobs where we can soak it all up. Our energy and enthusiasm draw others in and we're more than grateful for it.
8. We're highly emotional.
ENFPs are emotional almost to a fault. While this can prove how deeply we care about things, that passion can cause us us problems. We often have a low tolerance for criticism, conflict, and stress, and all of that can be counter-productive at least.
9. We know how to have a good time.
Even though we're often overwhelming, observant and curious, we still know how to have fun and relax. ENFPs are known for not letting things get boring and always ready to mix things up. Though we like discussing the secrets of the universe, we are just as ready to go out and entertain.
10. We love a good adventure.
There's never a dull moment when an ENFP is around! With our energy and restless tendencies, we often contribute ideas for adventure and exploration. We love taking impromptu trips and spontaneous adventure!
11. Nothing is as important as friendship.
Being an ENFP is a rollercoaster of imagination, ideas and emotion. Though we place high value on many different things at once, nothing comes close to valuing the people we care about. We are contradictions in almost every way, but there is nothing we wouldn't do for people we love.