Far too often I hear stories of people stuck in this constant cycle of struggle. Whether its with drugs, alcohol, sex, smoking, porn addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, swearing, partying, gossiping, gambling, or anything else, the list is endless. Each and every one of these words listed have something in common. They all are something that starts out as completely harmless with the potential to turn into something completely detrimental.
I hear one thing, yet see another. I hear denial and see brokenness. I see it in countless individuals. The Bible even describes the reason why we are to abstain from sexual immorality before marriage due to the fact that we were created to become one flesh within marriage. When this occurs outside of this sacrament it creates this place of emptiness within, because essentially you gave away a part of yourself that you can never have back. Yet at the same time, because that line was crossed, it becomes easier and easier to do the same thing over and over again until you have failed so many times that you have become numb to the pain, the emptiness, the loneliness that accompanies it.
This doesn't just happen with sexual sin, it happens with any addiction. First you start of with firm no's, yet slowly but surely each no becomes a little less defiant until finally there aren't more no's and what started as something little, manifested into an addiction that you are now numb to.
A prime example of this is found in the book of Romans.
We get so caught up in our sin that we forget that we are sinning. We lose the conviction that kept us from crossing that line all those times before, yet here we are basking in the wrong choices we've made and feeling like we can never be forgiven. Maybe it isn't even something we personally chose, maybe it's something someone else chose for us that caused us to deem ourselves unworthy... Even if this might be so, I want you to know that there is hope. There is redemption. There is forgiveness. You aren't a hypocrite if you share your struggles with one another while you strive for change. We are called to bring our sin into the light (Ephesians 5:11-14) by sharing our struggles. By doing so we say no to the enemy. Say no to our sin. Say no to the things that displease God. By doing this we open so many doors of healing. It's not easy by far, but if you haven't brought your struggles, your addictions, your sin into the light, I challenge you to do so. Stop fighting this losing battle against your flesh alone. You can only fight it with the help of the Lord.
This music video below is essentially a prayer of laying it all down to the Lord. Surrendering yourself to Him. Take a listen or don't, it's up to you. Just know that whether or not you know the Lord, He knows you. He knows the number of hairs on your head, your every thought, every heartbreak, every dream. He knows you, and He loves you. But most of all He wants you to know Him and follow Him.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:28-29