Just having graduated high school and feeling the first tastes of freedom should be nothing but the best of times. However, it doesn’t stop the daunting fear of the changes that are soon to come.
Soon everyone will be moving their separate ways for college, putting unbreakable friendships and family relations to the ultimate test. If you’re someone like me who’s moving to a whole new state for college this feeling is even harder. Most of your friends will stay just a mere five to seven hours from home and get the luxury of weekend trips home. Moving so far means that it takes weeks of planning to arrange a flight home. You’re left to explore a whole new environment all on your own and in my case, a whole new climate as well. For the first time in my life I’ll get to see the seasons change and see snow fall right from the sky. It’s going to be breathtaking and I am more than excited, but it’s also a little overwhelming. A Floridian and snow are two things that don’t frequently cross paths and here I am in the middle of summer, 100 degrees with 100 percent humidity to be exact, shopping online for these things called duck boots which supposedly everyone has and they are a must for northern climates. Moving somewhere so unfamiliar and doing it on your own can be more than overwhelming sometimes which is why I’m so grateful to already have friends up there and a dance team I’m a part of for guidance.
Besides the weather struggle, one of the hardest things of going so far is what you have to leave behind. You have a best friend that you’ve known for 13 years, a dance team that is basically your second family, and your relatives that you get to see at least once a week. I truly think my family and friends sometimes feel I’m leaving without looking back but I must say it’s something I’ve struggled for almost a year since I decided to make the move. It’s not easy to change the 10-minute drive to one of your best friends house for a 12-hour drive. College is a big adjustment for anyone but knowing you might not see a familiar face for months at a time isn’t an easy feeling to swallow. If I didn’t think I was going in the only direction that was meant for me I wouldn’t be going. There’s the social media, texting and FaceTime calls that are going to make it extremely easy to keep in touch but it’ll never be the same as a spur of the moment sleepover when you just can’t seem to drive home after a night of fun. I love my friends and I love my life here, but I need to see what else I can do.
I am more than excited to start my new life in the mountains. I have a new clogging team, wardrobe, and overall way of life waiting for me. As some say, distance makes the heart grow fonder, and it seems that it will. I will miss my friends and family dearly, and I hope they know they’ll be the first thing on my mind every morning and the last thing I think of as I fall asleep. I’m already looking forward to winter break this year as we reunite.