Rewind four years. You're almost done with your junior year of high school and you feel like you're on top of the world. You're just about done taking the SATs forever and it's almost summer. But the best part is when you return in the fall, you'll finally be a senior. Since day one of high school, you dreamed of the day you'd be one of them. They seemed so old and intimidating. I mean, they were about to go to college... But there you were. And now it's your turn.
Fast forward back to the present. One more paper to write and you're officially done with your junior year of college. And for some reason, you aren't feeling like you're on top of the world like you did four years ago. Now you're probably wishing you were still in elementary school, riding the yellow bus every morning and afternoon. Maybe it's because once your junior year of college ends, it seems like the "best four years of your life" are three-fourths of the way over. And what happens this time one year from now? Who the hell knows.
But before any real panic attacks, take a deep breath. You deserve a pat on the back (or maybe a drink because by this time you're probably about 21 years old) for making it this far. It may not seem like a big deal when you're surrounded by thousands of other college students, but in reality, not many people around the world have gotten this far. However, that doesn't make it any less scary.
Whether you know exactly what you want to do one year from now or you literally have no idea, the fact that the real world is coming seems ironically unreal. You're jealous of all your underclassmen friends. I've probably said, "I'd do anything to be a freshman again," 500 times this semester. I laugh about it, but a part of me really means it. I'd do anything to still have three more years of college left. So, freshman, I know it doesn't seem this way and I know you hear it all the time and probably want to punch everyone in the face who says it, but it will fly by.
If you're going to believe it from anyone, believe it from the girl who entered college a completely different person than she is finishing her junior year. Going into college, I had no idea what I wanted. I had so little idea that it took me two years to realize that the college I started at wasn't the right place for me. So after completely changing the course of my college life and finally ending up at the school of my dreams (and having had one of the best years of my life here), I can say that it flies by. Because now I only have one year left.
As a freshman, I couldn't wait for college to be over. All I wanted to do was fast forward to college graduation. Three years later, I can't believe I wanted that. Entering the real world terrifies me and I still have no idea what I want to do one year from now. But if I've learned anything from my roller coaster ride of three years of college, it's that everything can work out for the best if you're willing to take some risks.