Rape Culture has become normalized across college campuses nationwide. What is Rape Culture you ask? Rape culture devalues the survivor of sexual assault and their story and believes in the abuser and male dominance. Some examples are, victim blaming, tolerance of sexual harassment, teaching women how to "avoid" getting raped, and defining men as dominant are all examples of rape culture. These examples create a society where women's human rights and safety are not considered.
On average, more than 50% of sexual assaults happen in the first four months of the fall semester at all colleges. A specific story is one that happened at Ohio University this past September. At Ohio University over 12 sexual assaults were reported in the first four weeks. Students became aware of what was happening which caused them to become angry and scared. The students decided to march through campus chanting, "Brick by brick, wall by wall, we will make the culture fall". During the rally, survivors spoke about their experiences and others spoke in support of the survivors.
Rape culture is being excused by the media, and people that are in that culture. It happens when the eyes go onto the victim and what they did, and not the abuser or rapist. People ask about what the victim was wearing or if she was sober, and how she was acting. None of those answers matter. Consent is what matters. It does not matter what she was wearing, how she was acting, or what her alcohol content level was. It matters if she said no, that means no. If she doesn't say anything at all, if she is passed out from drinking, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that means no. Silence is not consent.
Why are we taught to avoid rape? When rapists could just choose not to do it?
Why are we told to not dress a certain way? Even though it does not matter what we wear.
How can we stop rape culture? Believe and support survivors. This will give other survivors the courage to speak up, and report their experience. Do not objectify women which include comments such as "I'd like a piece of that." Girls are not cake, pie, or anything you would like a piece of. We are human. Understand clear, affirmative consent, this is when they are enthusiastic, able to talk coherently, and conscious. Do not ignore that there is rape culture.
End the stigma.