Your mom calls you to ask when you're going to be done with finals and what day you're going to be home so she can cook or order your favorite dinner. This is when you realize first semester is almost over. Whether you're a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, the realization hits you hard all the same. You then go through the subsequent feelings and appropriate reactions to said realization. Here are some of those reactions that us Binghamton students feel once we realize the semester is coming to a close.
1. There's going to be no "going downtown" for a whole month.
No more dancing like a madman in dimly lit places. Unless you have an abundance of dimly lit places at home (turning your lights off in your bedroom doesn't count).
2. Realizing the idea of going home is more exciting than actually being home.
After like, a week, you pretty much just sleep, eat and watch BuzzFeed videos.
3. Except you realize how much you missed your bed.
You just sink into it and never want to get back up.
4. And your pets.
Nothing like some unconditional pet love.
5. And your friends, of course.
We'll act like you didn't miss your dog more than them.
6. You realize you're done with schoolwork for a month.
7. But then you realize you still have finals.
That you're totally not prepared for. Or maybe you are, but don't tell us about that.
8. You're running out of money.
9. You decide to prepare yourself for winter break and start a new show on Netflix.
10. Procrastination.
Watching doctors on TV is better than studying to be one.11. You start making plans for when you get back home
You text all of your friends from home about how you can't wait to see them and then proceed to take hours to figure out a simple time to meet up.
12. You dream about all of the food you will eat when you are home.
Bagels, pizza and repeat.
13. But until then, you try to enjoy the end of the semester and maybe go out one or two more times.
Turn up the Christmas radio station and pretend you have no responsibilities.
The end of the semester is bittersweet, so study for finals and enjoy Binghamton before the cold really sets in. Everyone will be home before they know it. After two weeks, you will be wishing you were back at school, so take time to enjoy the holidays and your family and friends. Soon, you'll be back on State Street and thinking about when you didn't have school work for a month.