As the semester comes to a close, many of the non-college students in my life have already begun to tell me how important positivity and self-encouragement are during this stressful time. Realistically, when it comes to the last few weeks of the semester, the only goal I have is to remain sane. Here’s a few tips to remember when surviving the final push to summer as told and portrayed by some of TV’s finest people.
1. Time-management is crucial, so use your time wisely. Don't waste it on social media, Netflix, or by saying unreasonably long sentences.
2. It’s unrealistic to believe that you will always be productive when you go to the library, so don’t over-criticize yourself over the slow days. 3. It’s likely that you will experience feelings of panic or anxiety, and that irrational anger may occur. Remember this is normal and temporary.
4. Social contact is beneficial for your mental health. Remember your friends are still alive and well, so you should probably talk to them occasionally.5. Be aware that it’s human nature to procrastinate, so double-check if that creative excuse you’ve come up with not to study is valid.6. Have a rehearsed and slightly dishonest answer prepared for when relatives ask you how your finals are going or how your grades are shaping up.
7. As school intensifies, there is a chance you will lose your will and your ability to perform simple daily tasks (laundry, showering, eating, talking), but it’s important to remember you’re not alone in this.
9. Finally, when it’s all said and done, remember you at least have those end-of-the-year parties at the finish line. 10. Or, if the thought of socializing on a crammed dance-floor is not your idea of stress-relief, there’s no shame in going home early and binge-watching The Office with Hot Cheetos.