Everything comes to a head at the end of the semester: all the finals, all the papers, all the exams, all the presentations... It becomes so much, and sometimes, you just need a day off. Who understands a day off better than Ferris Bueller?
Feeling all the stress of the semester build up to the day when you have 3 exams, 2 presentations, and a paper due.
When your professor tells you "This is not something you can start the night before."
When it's finally sunny and 80 degrees but you have a full day of class.
When your professor tries start a new lecture topic 30 seconds after class has technically ended.
Trying to explain to your friends how you're so stressed you can't even speak.
Just letting all that stress out on the dance floor.
Listening to your professor talk about you should start preparing for your exam three weeks early.
Only being allowed one side of a flashcard for said exam.
When your friend asks you "Why don't you spend the day studying instead of watching Netflix?"
Waking up on the morning of your first final.
Deciding to just stay in bed all day when you should be writing a paper.
If you ever feel like school is really killing you, take a lesson from Ferris Bueller and just take a day off. Remember:
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